Calcium ?? | Arthritis Information


DR orderd me to start taking it since I had some differences in a bone density scan. Maybe Lynn49 can answer this. Will taking this help thwart off steroid use ??I believe you need to do a combo to get the best results from taking calcium... a vit d combo I think?You need to take calcium and Vit. D to help Osteoporosis, and possibly help prevent it to begin with.

I take 1200 mg calcium a day and 2000 IU Vit D. My D is still testing low, so my rheumy also has me taking 50,000 IU of Vit D once a week until it returns to normal. I'm into the 4th month of the big dose of D and mine is still quite low.
Your doc could tell you the proper amounts for you. They might be different.
Be well, Nini
I have a bottle of 500mg Calcium with Vit D, 2x  day 