MTX question | Arthritis Information


How many here that take methotrexate take it orally and how many of you take it via injection?  Is it more effective one way or the other?  I was thinking about seeing if I could switch to the injectable form to see if maybe it was a little more effective than the current oral dose.  I was told that it may also be a little easier on my liver to do the injectable dosing as well.

I take oral MTX.  As I've understood it the injectable is good for people who are having stomach issues with the oral, and for some people it is just more effective against the RA than taking the pills.

20 mg orally once a week...... 

15 mgs. orally 1 x per week MXT injections are a little more effective than oral according to the literature.  After I started injections I was able to decrease 2.5 mg.  and have been at 15.5 mg. for over a year.  No side effects at all.  LindyI don't seem to have any side effects from it other than liver enzymes just slightly elevated.  Then again, I also seems like I get no benefit from it either.  I thought maybe I'd like to try the injectable dose to see if it made any difference.  Been on oral MTX 25 mg. for 2 years, 6 weeks ago Dr. switched me to injectable to see if this made a difference.  He told me with oral dose, you can't be sure if your body is absorbing 100% of dose.  He also said I'd know in 6 weeks if the injectable would be more helpful to me.  It's not.  I've been on this with a combo of first Humira, and then Enbrel.  Now that the injectable hasn't made a difference I have to switch to Orencia.I used to take oral MTX but switch to injections after stomach problems....I have had better results with the injections for my RA but as im have issues with my stomach anyway i dont know if theres a change there.Been on injectible for about 1 year, much more able to tolerate it with less side effects, stuck on 10mg though.  Good luck, Janie.

I did injectable for about 5 months and then switched to oral last November when my dose dropped from 25mg to 20mg.  I'm at 17.5 mg now, but not quite the same control.  Wondering after reading these if I should consider injectable again rather than increase mtx to see if that works.    I never got the knack of the syringe needle, so it was a struggle.  I didn't get that quick jab down very well.  But, I guess I can try again.

Hi Cathy, my Dr gives me my injection weekly as I have to see her for schedule 8 scripts which can only be prescribed 20 at a time, I feel much more at ease not doing them myself although if I had to I would.  Its difficult though with damaged hands.  Best of luck, I believe it works quicker and better.  regards Janie.
30mg weekly injection - started orally but had stomach issues.  The injections seem to be more effective and work more quickly.  + 5mg folic acid once per week (2 days after injection)
25.00-> 27.50 mg subq: as has been mentioned subq is more effective with less GI side-effects.