Any have these Remicade side effects? | Arthritis Information


 Got thrush and Candida from Remicade.  Now on daily dose of Fluconazole.  Next infusion is Tues(think I may cancel)  fluconazole is not helping.  Now have headache,cough, muscle aches and stuffy nose.  Going to call Dr in am.  Has anyone else had this with the biologics?  I didnt like these from the beginning now I am beginning to get scared.

Sorry you are feeling scared. I have never had Remicade infusions. But i have been scared about my health from RA and related problems. I had daily thrush from Plaquinil. I see that you have Sjorgrens. Me also. That makes it easier to get oral thrush. Seriously i could not get rid of it until i stopped the Plaquinil. I tried but just couldn't kick it. I do believe some meds are not right for me becuse i get this reaction to them. Have you tried nystatin?
How many days have you been taking Fluconazole?
As for the headache, muscle aches,cough, stuffy nose. We have that here also. I thought it was all me. My five year old nephew has the same symtems as i do. Except his temp went up to 102.7. I hope my temp doesn't get that high. It is so frustrating. I can not seem to get a break from illness. I have not taken Fluconazole for years i have bad reactions to it. As i recall it really brings the thrush up to the surface. Check with doc. Sometimes in the process of getting well you look like you are getting worse. But i also know sometimes i can not get rid of while taking the med that brought it on in the first place. Maybe switch to something else. Give your RD and GP a call. Good Luck and feel better. Let us know.
Oh my gosh that's terrible.  I took Remicade infusions for about one year and never had any problems with it.  However, I have had tons of problems with prednisone but that's another story.  I definitely think you shouldn't get the infusion until thrush is gone.  There are some folks hanging around here that do antibiotic protocol for their RA and may be able to give some advice on avoiding this again when it clears.  Maybe they will see your thread and chime in with something.  I think that garlic is a nice natural antifungal but will also thin your blood.  You might also try grapefruit seed extract...a few drops in some bottled water.  I've heard that yeast hates that too.
Hope it clears up soon.
Bob H.
wow!  i am going to have to watch for this!   while i was getting remicade a lady had been having mouth problems our nurse told her it was yeast and prescribed that fluconazole too!Well a doctor once told me to drink grapefruit juice to help get rid of the thrush. However many meds do not mix with grapefruit juice. So check your meds. Of course probiotics help. Yogurt, sourcream, blu cheese. If you can handle dairy. But seriously have your GP look at it.

I take Remicade, cannot say that I have had thrush.

I hope you feel better soon!
Now, I am hungry for blu cheese, Thank Milly! dose of flucozanole? Taht seems so extreme.

Well, one thing is for sure, you need some probiotics, and a l'il bowl of yoghurt ain't gonna cut it. Try washing down some OTC probiotics with a big kefir shake every day.

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. Sometimes the cure seems worse than the disease.

I am so sorry for your reaction and problems with your treatment. It is scary some of the meds and the side effects. I find if I talk to my prescribing doctor and maybe my family physician or orhto...sort of bounce off my concerns I get a better well rounded informed decision. Currently All three of my docs want me to take you I have my concerns. As far as the flucozanole a daily dose is absolutely common treatment. Do not worry about that. My daughter took a daily dose and her thrush cleared. I am sure yours will also. It is such a pain in the arse......I googled the med: below I found everywhere:

Oropharyngeal candidiasis

The recommended dosage of DIFLUCAN for oropharyngeal candidiasis is 200 mg on the first day, followed by 100 mg once daily. Clinical evidence of oropharyngeal candidiasis generally resolves within several days, but treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks to decrease the likelihood of relapse.

Esophageal candidiasis

The recommended dosage of DIFLUCAN for esophageal candidiasis is 200 mg on the first day, followed by 100 mg once daily. Doses up to 400 mg/day may be used, based on medical judgment of the patient's response to therapy. Patients with esophageal candidiasis should be treated for a minimum of three weeks and for at least two weeks following resolution of symptoms.

Systemic Candida infections

For systemic Candida infections including candidemia, disseminated candidiasis, and pneumonia, optimal therapeutic dosage and duration of therapy have not been established. In open, noncomparative studies of small numbers of patients, doses of up to 400 mg daily have been used

inflamedOnline2008-12-19 06:04:05[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]You're on a daily dose of flucozanole? Taht seems so extreme.

Well, one thing is for sure, you need some probiotics, and a l'il bowl of yoghurt ain't gonna cut it. Try washing down some OTC probiotics with a big kefir shake every day.

I'm sorry you're having so much trouble. Sometimes the cure seems worse than the disease.[/QUOTE]
Why do you think a daily dose is so extreme?
bump?bump.......really curiousI'll bump this back up and also add that I have yeast issues with remicade. I am on a high dose 10mg/kwt every 4 weeks.  I don't really have it orally but lets just say if you are a woman, you know where I mean.  I take nystatin twice a day and its still touch and go.  I see my gyno next month so we may change or increase the medication.  I do take probitocs daily with it but its still just not enough. Sorry for the late reply, havent been on in days, been trying to finish up for Christmas, finally gave up.  Thanks for all the replys and well wishes.  I go tomorrow for my Rheumy appt, doubt they will do infusion, my tounge still looks like Mt Everest and now have a rash on my neck and down my back.  Not sure if its Remicade or the Diflucan.  Watch, now they will give me something to counteract the reaction I am having from the Diflucan----when will it ever end?
 I would also like to see the answer to why Diflucan is bad.  My old Rheumy hated it and said it was bad for my liver but the new one doesnt seem to care. 
  Thanks again everyone.  You guys have no idea how good it feels to know there is someone out there that is going through what you are and will listen. 
Merry Christmas to you all and a Happier New year for all of us.
Yep, they cancelled my infusion.  Have to go back in 3 weeks to see Dr and then she will decide if I can have another one.  Also have head cold, not bad enough for anti-biotics, just enough to make me feel crappy.  Anyone else have these problems with Remicade?