'tis the season | Arthritis Information


'tis the season to be grumpy.... fa la la la   la  la  la

'tis the season for too much medicine...fa la la la la la la
shingles and RA  can ruin any holiday
beware of all who come in contact with me
fa la la la la la la
'tis the season to bite someones head off so stay far away from me!!!!
p.s. these shingles meds are making me angry
plus i take countless RA meds.
i will warn everyone just like i use to warn my kids if they act stupid ----- LOOK OUt!
i think i need music lessons.   teehee 
I hope you get to feeling better really soon.
I am usually the buh-hum-bug at my house around this time of year, but this year... I have been pretty "jolly". I even started a game that we play in the car, where when you see christmas lights you yell "Christmas lights!" and keep track of how many you get LOL!!!
Feel better soon!

WW I'll join you in a bah-humbug for tonight anyway.  It's 1am and here I am sitting on my bedroom floor with my laptop stomach so upset I think I may hurl any second now.  That is the absolute LAST time I eat chinese food.  I should have known better, my sinuses have been draining all day and then I ate that stuff and it didn't help. I thought your shingles were getting better?

Here's hoping tomorrow brings feeling a little better...for us both.

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