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I've been diagnosed since 2005 sero negative RA. I am trying to keep my sanity. I am on humira, methotrexate, celebrex, folic acid,synthroid, and darvocet when needed. My last appointment rheumy wants me to add a very low dose (5mg) of prednizone. What can I expect in the way of side effects? My last reg doctor appt my thryroid level was a little low so synthroid level has been adjusted. I have minimal swelling always have but then I always have pain mostly in hands wrists elbows and shoulders.Sometimes I feel like a science experiment. It's hard to believe I can feel so crappy when I am sero negative and I begin to doubt my diagnosis. I have also read that prednizone can interact with my thyroid problem. Any thoughts or advice from anyone would help. Well I don't know about the prednisone/thyroid interaction but I'd like to see what people have to say because I have been having borderline thyroid issues and really feel like I have a thyroid problem but my doctor is dragging her feet about putting me on anything.

My RD says 5 mgs or even 7 mgs of prednisone is a "safe" amount to be on long term. The only side effects I had at that level was stubborn weight and I still have it at 2 mgs. That's just me.
I am seronegative also and have questioned my diagnosis as well- please see the thread I started recently on this subject.
I only take 15 mgs of MTX, 2 mgs. prednisone, folic acid at this time and also have the same aching areas as you- not sure if it's to the same degree. Last night my dr. just increased my MTX to 20 mgs. He said if that doesn't do the trick I can either inject a higher dose of MTX or add a TNF.  Sounds like you are already there.....
Is the pain really bad? Mine is mostly just bothersome but sometimes will reach a level 5. I don't take pain relievers for it.
I don't know- I feel like I have just come to expect to feel like this....
I have no authority on thyroid issues... but would like to say that sero=neg is no reason to doubt your DX... there are TONS of us that are s-n.......
good luck.
(((kkotts))) sending hugs and positive healing thoughts your way.  Hope the prednisone helps you if that is what you decide.  The drug we all love to hate.  I will say it is a highly effective antiinflammatory.  now the possible side effects are always the subject of debate.
Here's a prednisone side-effects link to save to your favorites:
However, it did say you may not experience anything at all.  All of these drugs are so particular to the individual.  I think we all are science experiments unfortunately.:)
feel better soon. take it easy.
Hi kkotts,
Reading your message was like I wrote it.  Only difference is I have diabetes to add to the mix.
I am ser. neg. and on mtx, humira, thyroid, and assorted other meds.
I was just at my RD last month and he put me on a short burst of pred. 20mg on day one, 15mg day two, 10mg day 3, and 5mg day 4.   It provided me with amazing results with no side effects.  I felt wondferful.  My blood sugar is a problem that I have to be careful with as it raises blood sugar.  I noticed no problem with the thyroid.  I really don't know how it would be for someone who is on pred long term.  My RD wont let me have anymore pred until I see hiim next month.
Good luck and I say that if it is a short term dose then you should not have any problems.
If you're considering taking prednisone for an anti-inflammatory effect, there are other options you could try first, such as high doses of fish oil (made from the body of the fish, not the liver), or an any anti-inflammatory diet.

Personally, I have had a lot of success with the fish oil.

Hope stuff works out soon.

Talk to your doctors and ask them their recommendations for YOU and YOUR situation. I don't know what the answer is for prednisone, but I also am at my ropes end and am considering it. I will ask about fish oil also. I asked on a thread one time about fish oil and I got cautioned. I will go look for that thread.

I am sorry you are feeling so ill, especially rough through the Holidays. Take Care,


Ok, I found the post:
Originally posted by inflamedOnline

I think I'll try fish oil also. I like the way "oil" sounds...wish I could apply it directly on my joints like the tin man...

(By Jasminerain)
Run it by your doctor first - at high doses (low doses won't do anything for RA pain/inflammation) it is a potent medicine, not without adverse reactions.
Like I said earlier, run it by your Doctors. Then decide what is best for you. I comiserate with you.
inflamedOnline2008-12-19 11:57:15Here's a super-old in depth thread discussing fish oil: away from the prednisone if you can.[QUOTE=lorster]Stay away from the prednisone if you can.[/QUOTE]
Why exactly should they stay away from predisone?
Well all I know is prednisone turned me completely around from an invalid to functioning. It was used to flip a switch of some sort. I don't believe it is a drug you should use in a high dose forever but it has it's place sometimes.
I'm down to 2 mgs.  I intend to get off completely but my RD says even 5 per day is not risky long term.
[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Well all I know is prednisone turned me completely around from an invalid to functioning. It was used to flip a switch of some sort. I don't believe it is a drug you should use in a high dose forever but it has it's place sometimes.
I'm down to 2 mgs.  I intend to get off completely but my RD says even 5 per day is not risky long term.

That is what I was thinking. The drug has its side effects, but it can do wonders.

Yesterday, I had a long discussion with my ortho, he wants me to use a burst pack, He believes it will help calm down my inflammation and let the shots I have taken work along with helping the plaq work. He left the decision up to me.


What I am concerned about is the lack of respect for doctors from some. To just tell someone who is looking for support and advice to stay away from a very useful treatment if they can, sounds harsh,  I feel that it sets the person up to feel like a failure for if the do decide to use pred. At least a clear explanation would be in order with a statement like that........ "Stay away from prednisone if you can".......why?....

[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]If you're considering taking prednisone for an anti-inflammatory effect, there are other options you could try first, such as high doses of fish oil (made from the body of the fish, not the liver), or an any anti-inflammatory diet.

Personally, I have had a lot of success with the fish oil.

Hope stuff works out soon.[/QUOTE]

See, we can agree on something.thank you all so much for your advice. It all really does help.
What I understand is that the body produces around 7mg of prednisone naturally.
A short burst (under doc supervision) is ok but you cannot stay on that high dose for life.
Your body will shut down it's own production plus other side affects like brittle bones and others.

Getting the dose to 5mg or less is most desirable as it keeps the body producing.
I'm on 2mg a day of which I take at night and might take 5mg if I feel things starting up.

I will add that I am not a doctor and you really have to run all these things past him/her first.

Prednisone is a drug that a lot of people love to hate.  I know absolutely nothing about the thyoid issues and prednisone.  Prednisone, in long term, high dose therapy can do bad things to you most of which can be reversed or so I've been told.  The moon face, weight gain, nervousness and other things that I have experienced should begin to fade gradually as the dose get's smaller.  But the glaucoma that I have now won't ever go away and will require eyedrop treatment for the rest of my life now.  (I only just turned 32) 

The point is that prednisone is a good drug in short bursts or low doses.  It takes care of inflammation in a hurry.  I agree with's a useful drug to have in your mix of meds and WTB's RD said what most I've seen have told me.  5 mg is a perfectly acceptable dose for long term use. 
