MTX adverse side effects | Arthritis Information


I went ot my doctor a few weks ago and he up'd my Mtx from 3 pills once a week to 4 once a week..The first dose of 4 was this past Wednesday, AM.
That evening I had severe chills, then shrotness of breath, and then the sweats, I didn't know what was going on I figured I had caught the flu or something, I wrapped up in 2 blankets, and a heating pad to get warm.
My temp had gone up to 101 proior to the heating pad.
A few hours later I felt fine again, thought this odd but wth.
his am about 6 I work up again with severe chills, my whole body ws shaking uncontrolably and could not get warm, once again the blankets , heating pad , my temp was 102.4, after a while I had to get up to use the bathroom 10 feet from my bed, I was shaking again , from chills, and so short of breath I didn't think I would make it back to the bed. Wrapped up again , used vicks to try to help my breathing, and a warm washcloth to breath thur, I was like hyperventalating , again I finally got my breathing to slow down, and then came the fever and sweats, started drinking lots of water.
RIght now it is 1:15 pm and I am fine, but the effects of this pill man I tell you I thought I was going to pass out at one point.
Has this ever happened to anyone?
Anf guess what My Doctor does not have office hours on Friday so thats out!

Are you sure you don't have the flu?

I was always lucky with MTX- no problems other than fatigue that I could work through.
Hope you feel better soon!
nope right now It's like it never happened I feel fine! I would certainly mention it to your RD when he is in.