Prednizone this time of year | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone! Long time since I've checked in. Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the big day. I'm not!

I was just wondering if this time of year more folks go on prednizone for awhile, be it cold weather or just doing soo much more around the house for the holidays? My hip and bad hand are sore all the time now. I'm newly diagnosed, so I'm not sure of what a flare up is or when to call the doctor. I do know enough about what meds are working for me. I've only had one course of Prednizone, and it was a miracle.

So, feedback from ya'll would be great.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.


Hey Monk~Good to see you again. We miss ya.

This time of year we're all feeling things a little more than usual. My doctor and I decided to up my MTX dose instead of resorting to predisone. That stuff works great and I've used it often during the really rough times....but I try not to use it unless I have to. An increase in my other meds really pulled me out of slump though.

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope to see you around more.


Thanx Lovie.

I know when it's going to rain! sh*t! That's a Gramma tag line. OMG! I'm old! I'm 44 for Christ  sake!

Yeup, my doc said I wasn't taking enough sulfa drugs and the prednizone for a 7 week run might be "just what the doctor ordered"! Hmmmmm. This time of year in the San Joaquin Valley of N. Ca., it is all fog and cold. Nasty. The bones with any aches do not like this climate. Lesson here,: listen to your gut. Hip is a gonner, going to the hot tub! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

