To go to the hospital or not.... | Arthritis Information


I am in extreme pain from my car accident in Oct. I had an MRI and CAT scan a few weeks ago and it showed 3vertebrae leaking into my spinal column. I am alone and have no help. Last night I cried myself to sleep and woke up this morning unable to move and been crying again.

We had a major snow storm that has paralyzed my town. All my doctor's offices are closed today. I called my chiro and he said to take my morning meds and call him in two hours. I will have to call an ambulance as I cannot move my head and I am worried I won't be able to pay the bill, as it is not a life threatening injury. Do I call my attorney to see if the person at fault's insurance will pay? Do I call mine and see if it can be paid by pip? I think they all need to know how badly I am sufferig.

To give you an idea how high my threshold for pain is, I only took motrin after my hysterectomy and was out christmas shopping the next day. This pain has me throwing up and in complete agony - I can hardly think. What to do....
[QUOTE=owiemom] To go to the hospital or not.... What to do....[/QUOTE]

Being unable to move should be the clue: call an ambulance. NOW.
I just spoke with a friend who is a paramedic about your situation (only in the most general terms). He told me that many if not most states have a transportation system for non-life threatening conditions. Under this system residents are transported to the emergency room for not much more than a taxi ride would cost. However, there are trained personnel and life-support measures available. Costs vary by municipality, at least here in the Chicago metro area.  In some municipalities, residents are transported at no cost to the nearest hospital in town. In others, everyone is charged the full cost regardless of residency (though insurance companies often have worked out rate schedules far below "list price" with the fire department).

Please call the police or ambulance number and advise that you need immediate help. You are by yourself but you are not alone. They do this for expectant mothers in labor in a snow storm. You are equally deserving.

I vote HospitalOh boy- I hope you went to the hospital. Please let us know how you are when you are able!I am waiting for my chro back as he is the central person taking care of me, ordering tests, sending me to ortho, etc. to see what he says, My meds have kicked in and they have taken the edge off.

My son works at the hospital doing security and I just called him and he has the four wheel drive and his job today is to drive out and pick up and drop off nurses and doctors until midnight tonight. He said he'd come get me if i needed him to. 

Tomomrrow is supposed to be much worse with 15" of snow and 60 mph winds. Glad my shopping is done...

Oh boy.  I sure hope you or the doc can figure something out to help you.  I do hope by now you have got some help.maybe you should go get checked out before the next onslaught of snow????owie hope you are better.  I go to a chiro also, but in this instance PLEASE do not let him adjust you if you are having problems with the leaking of fluid.  This is not something to mess around with.
I hope you are doing better, owiemom. Please keep us posted.
Much hugs to you!
My chiro doesn't do "adjustments" because I am much too fragile. He uses heat, and I lay on a roller type thing to keep from building up scar tissue. He wants to keep all the joints moving. He mostly monitors me and coordinates all my other appts with ortho sppecialists, my massage therapist, MRI, CAT scan, x-rays and next, I will be seeing a neurologist.
He kept in contact with me today, and I did not go to the ER because he said the would likely just give me a shot for the paint and send me home and it would wear off. I have an  arsenal of pain meds already here. It sucks to be alone.
Oh Deb.........  I do hope you get to feel a bit better real soon.
It is the saddest thing that someone who is so ill has to worry about the cost of getting to a Hospital. Damn that the health systems in some of our so called 1st world countries have gotten to this. I know you said your son could come take you but it shouldnt have to be that way.
Is there NO free health care in the USA? I mean to say, what about the homeless....if they get ill, have not a cent ( maybe) are they given a free ride to hospital?? Or just left to perish.
There is a small charge for an ambulance callout out here if not for an accident. Nobody is charged for hospital care in an emergency, and with non urgent surgery you are on a waiting list for free intervention and care.
The only reason we have health insurance is in case either of us ( me and hubster) need something like a heart bypass or similar we can get it done at hospital of choice, pretty much immediately and with surgeon of choice. Our insurance would also cover for eg joint replacements if needed and would mean no waiting for a year or so to get it done.
And the cost of our combined insurance is fornightly.
Deb, I so hope you get the help you need to sort this spinal problem......I cant imagine how tough it must be combined with your rampant RA. Well  actually I can start to imagine and then feel physically sick myself!
Just know I think of you often and pray that you get some kind of relief soon.
Love and hugs sent to you.
Lyn  xxxxxxx
