Here is my Oscar playing his guitar | Arthritis Information


Oscar let me get a video of him playing guitar today.  I wanted to share it with you guys as you know he battles with arthritis in most of his fingers!  Just click on the pic and it will take you to the photobucket video. 

Holy Cow! You go boy!
Anyone that thinks they can't play guitar because of Arthritis should watch this kid play. That's fantastic Oscar. And "Kid"? Who's that good looking man? Pam how old is he now? When you first started sharing with us Oscars struggles he seemed like such a little boy. He's a young man!
Wait a minute. This is our Pam's Oscar, right?Hi Lovie,
Yeah, its me.  I disabled my old account and can't get back on it
Thanks for your reply!  Oscar is 15 now.  When I first joined AI I think he was 11. 
He has been playing the guitar for 2 years now. 
He's very good, Pam!  I bet you're proud
Very handsome young man!
Only playing for two years? He's doing very well.   I remember when I was 15 I would go to school, come home, pick up my guitar and play until I fell asleep.  (yes I neglected my homework, that's another story)  In the summer, instead of going outside I would practice like 7 or 8 hours a day.   I literally played until my fingers bled sometimes.  My point is..if you love it, you'll ignore the pain and keep doing it.  Trust me, his hands will be all the better for playing it will keep them flexable.  I actually taught guitar to earn some extra spending money in college until the flare from hell sidelined me.  Oh well, maybe Remicade will work for me so I can go at it full speed again. 
Sounds good...tell him to keep it up.

Thank you for that, it was awesome!! My sons are little and each have a guitar and they thought that was the greatest thing EVER!  So did I!

Thanks, Kelly....I am so proud
Thankyou too, Bob!  He is a lot like you describe yourself at his age.  His school work suffers for the guitar.  When he is home he usually has a guitar in his hands. 
I am sorry you can't play at the moment.  I sure hope that remicade will be your wonder med!!
I am going to tell Oscar about you:)  Thanks for your reply!
Oh my gosh!!  Thanks Reegie!!Wow Pam, he does a great job. That is quite a talent. My husband would love to learn how to play the guitar. Hi,
I'm new around here and just had to register to comment on this.  I play bass guitar and shortly after purchasing the bass of my dreams I was diagnosed with RA.  Playing music is my passion and always has been and I often get depressed thinking my disease and swollen hands will forever rob me of it.  Seeing this vid has really kind of inspired me, the pain is worth it, and this has just reaffirmed that I shouldn't give up. Thanks for posting it.
Hey Pammy!!
Aww... he is no longer "Harry Potter". Remember... that pic you posted of him when you first joined? My daughter thought he looked like Harry Potter. She said he was a cutie. I wonder what she would think of what he looks like now.
I am so glad he has something he loves to do and tries to do even though RA might hinder him in doing so. You need something to keep you going... and his is playing his guitar.
Thanks, you guys!
Lori, maybe that is a good xmas gift for hubby.  When Oscar first got his guitar he learned online.  Then when we saw how much he loved it and how great he was playing we got him a teacher.
Wick, I am so glad you posted and hope you will continue to join in.  Oscar's fingers are pretty swollen, some times more than others.  He has splints that help but he does not always wear them when he plays.  It has been good as it helps to strengthen his fingers and keeps them flexable.  When it hurts he stops and shakes his hands out and tries again.
Joonie, I remember!  MB was not the only one that thought that.  We would go to the park and kids would say "look mom, its Harry Potter"

Linncn, I so wanted to be good at guitar hero.  Be a cool mom....NOT!  I stink at it!

It is hard on the wrists

Hope you are feeling good!  It is a little too cold for us So Cal gals Too cold FOR SURE!!!

Wick, I had the same thing happen to me as well.  I just spent ,300 on an Ernie Ball Music Man guitar that I have only played three times because of this flare that has been ongoing now for 8 months.  I've tried to sell it but just can't bring myself to do it.  I also have three others and a nice new amp that are sitting collecting dust.  It hurts to go into my "music room" to clean and see them there but there's nothing I can do.  I'm not so much swollen as in pain and can't play.

He is good! I always wished I could play. My one son picked up on the bass by himself. He's pretty good but he refuses lessons. How old is he, wtb?He's 19 now. He picked it up when he was 16.

Wow, he has been playing a long time.  That is great that he enjoys it enough to be self taught and plays so well!  Sometimes you just never know.  You know, when they are young they want this or that with all the best intentions and sounding highly motivated.  So you jump in to cultivate the interest ($$) and it falls by the wayside.  That happened with the piano, so we were'nt to sure the guitar would stick....but it did.

Well he only plays for his own enjoyment. He's not in a band or anything. Talking about the piano- I took lessons when I was very young and the teacher kept telling my parents that I really had a future in it. I was only like 6 or 7 years old. She wanted to show me off so she set up this thing where I was going to play a duet with this boy I couldn't stand. Instead of telling everyone no I lost complete interest in the Piano. I refused to continue. I have been very sorry ever since. I wouldn't even be able to play now. For some reason my right hand doesn't work properly. You know how you "drum" your fingers? Mine won't wont move independently like that. Unless I do it very slowly. I noticed it a couple years ago. I don't know why but I always feared it was MS. Pam-
Warmed up a little today!!!!!!   Yeah!!!!!
Thanks goodness! It is beautiful out, is'nt it?  I hear we are in for a lot of rain this week.

Yes, I hear the cold and rains will return, coming down from wonderful Alaska!!!!  Oh well.

Button up.

