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a squirrel!

That is what came down our chimney and into our bedroom last week. Hubby and I were laying in bed asleep. We woke up because we heard something moving around in the chimney. We thought it was Abbi-Kitty. Then we waited for "her" to come out and it was a GIANT squrriel!! I mean this squirrel was almost as big as Abbi-Kitty.
It ran around my room all freaked out and hubby got up to go get Abbi-Kitty so she could "catch" the squirrel.  I just sat on the bed and watched it run around the room like someone was chasing after it. I just sat here all nice and quiet. But believe me... if it has came anywhere near my bed... I would have freaked and screamed like it was attacking me
It got its foot prints all over my desk and some of my scrapbooking papers.
By the time hubby came back with Abbi-Kitty, the squirrel decided it was time to climb back up the chimney.
Hubby put Abbi-Kitty down on the bedroom floor and she sniffed and went everywhere the squirrel went in our room. She then laid in front of the fireplace and watched for it to come back. Which it never did.
I told hubby that the squirrel would have beat Abbi-Kitty up, and he said he did not think so. I believe it would have. It is a good thing she was not in our room, when it came down. Abbi-Kitty had been staying in our room the whole week, but she accidentally got locked in the back part of the house where her food and litter box was earlier that morning.
It's 3:57 AM...I am feeling lousy and can't sleep.....but this made me laugh...thanksGlad you got a laugh out of it! So... did the in-laws and my mommy. LOL!! We dont have squirrels in New Zealand, and thats sad.  I think they are lovely wee things personally!!  I loved watching them in Italy and in England....never see them in the USA whenever we  visit as we have usually been in ginormous cities and any squirrel has brains enough to stay as far away from them as possible methinks!
Do you have possums in the States?? Now there is a nasty creature.
And I also wish we had chipmunks. Whatever they are but they sure look like squirrels to me. Id LOVE to have Alvin living in a tree near me.
Joonie...Im pleased your squirrel escaped unharmed!!
Lyndee.....yeah, we have oppssums here in the US.  I think they're kinda cute.  I used to know one.  Her name was Virginia.
Joonie, you are soooo Brave!!
I would have LOST IT!!  I was chased by a squirrel when I was a kid and it chased me into the house and my cousing had to shu it out with a broom.  I have a confession -
I Am A Recovering Sqirrel Aphobic
I think you are right that it may have hurt little abby  They are pretty brazen sometimes.
I have a little squirrel friend at the moment.  We've named him "mr chubby" and he comes by everyday for some nuts:)  But seriously they are pushy.  If they (the nuts) are not there, on the wall, in a timely manner he will climb down the wall and come looking  for them.
Lyndee, you don't have to guess, possums freak me out too we have possums but they are nothing like Ozzie possums.
 think of a large triangular rat with a long hairless tail. the babies ride on the tail with their tail hooked around it.
They make excellent road kill.  they think cars are enemies so they lie very still in the road.. idiots.
 I love squirrels and chipmonks, but you dont want them to get inside. they can tear the place apart.
I would have freaked.  And I am sure I wouldn't let my cat near it.  I would be too afraid that it could hurt my cat and also you never know if it's carring any serious germs.  You know if the cat went after it, it would fight back.
I am so happy to hear it went away on it's own.

LOL!  That is just too funny!

I am glad no one was hurt though.

Personally, I like them okay as long as they are nowhere near me or my house, maybe down the street around the corner in a park somewhere.:)

And we have all of those little critters mentioned, especially living in the county part of the city.  However, I think that squirrel would have given Abbi-kitty a run for her money unfortunately but that's a good kitty guarding the fireplace.:)

This reminds me of the move National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  The part where Chevy Chase snaps and cuts down the tree in his yard to use for a christmas tree and there was a squirrel in it.  That was going through my head as I read your post.  I like squirrels, they taste pretty good.  (hey I'm from WV, I grew up on stuff like that)

Bob H
My husband calls them tree rats but I think they are cute! When I throw stale apple jacks out for the birds they come and eat them. They like the green ones best for some reason. OMG!  Bob!
That is too much!  When I was a kid we went Camping and the people in the site next to us opened their blue ice chest and.....THERE THEY WERE 
That was traumatic for a little beach girl
So, do they taste like chicken?
Nah, not really.  I also like deer, bear, elk, moose and have once before eaten rattlesnake.   I've also had turtle meat as well.  That wasn't bad.  The only wild game I don't like is turkey.  The meat is more "tough" than farm raised birds for some reason.  

I remember when my in laws lived in Cleveland and we would go for a visit.  My wife's old friends would stop by for a visit and once, we fed them deer pepperoni.  They were scarfing that stuff up until they found out what it was.  One cried, one threw up, and the other just sat there with this look of disbelief on her face.  I laughed until I cried !

As a hunter's wife I have eaten my share of "game". Deer prepared in certain ways I like. I do not like any fowl. I like rabbit a lot. I never ate a tree rat  Every tried deer jerky?  I'm making some right now in my dehydrator...good stuff can't get enough!! I have 2 bunnies, Eddie Bunny and JoJo

Who's that guy that has a show where he travels around the world trying the gross food from other countires?  One time he was in a place where they ate roasted guinea pigs...and it looked good.  I mean, it made my mouth water.  He said it was really really good.  I would try it if I had the opportunity.

WTB~ we eat a lot of venison here too.  I like it as much or better than beef.
Linncn2008-12-21 09:37:12[QUOTE=Linncn]

Who's that guy that has a show where he travels around the world trying the gross food from other countires?  One time he was in a place where they ate roasted guinea pigs...and it looked good.  I mean, it made my mouth water.  He said it was really really good.  I would try it if I had the opportunity.

WTB~ we eat a lot of venison here too.  I like it as much or better than beef.
Andrew Zimmern?  The bald guy?  My husband loves to watch that show
Somehow I missed the guinea pig episode I have a friend in L.A. who had a possum come into her condo and made himself at home.  She got a cage to trap him and take him away!!!!  Not pleasant.Oh my gosh, Jan.  I have a friend in Santa Monica that was laying in bed on the phone and noticed the bottom of his plastic, zip up, suit back was bulging and moving.
He Zipped the bag all the way up and took it into the SM mts and let them go:)
Gail was in Westwood.  THe possum came into the cabinet under the sink and made himself right at home!!!!  I kid you not.  The only humane way to get rid of him was to trap him in a cage and I guess animal control took him out to the wilds.  She found him because of the smell.  A true story.

I would pass out if I opened the cabinet and found a Possum in there.  Sometimes when I take Yoshi and Kui potty in the wee hours of the morning there will be a Possum on the wall.  I get so scared that it will get them. They run right to the wall underneath it and I have to go and grab them.   They freeze up and stare....creepy

I have a prairie dog as a pet.   I've never seen the episode where he ate guinea pig either and I don't think I want to.  I like those little fuzzballs, I'd hate to think of eating one.  I think it's because I've seen Dr. Doolittle one too many times and I keep thinking Chris Rock's voice is going to come out of one of their mouths.  "Slow down doc, I'm gettin whisker whipped up here!"
Oh Joonie, i would have died!! I am so phobic of horrible little creatures..I hate mice, rats, gerbils , hamsters, guinea pigs and ferrets..and squirrels..anything smaller than a rabbit and with a tail.  I dont mind snakes, gecko's chameleons, lizards, etc..( i was brought up in africa) I have eaten ostrich ( lovely stuff) shark. I  think your jerky is like our biltong..meat that is spiced and hung up to husband makes his own. Im not a big animal eater...i would rather eat veg and fish...We live out in the boon docks and cornfields in IL and my son (who's almost 16, has a hunter's license +& FOID card) has shot 4 oppossums, and two skunks this fall. They are so disgusting and skunks are mean! One time a skunk got into a fight with my cat and tore a big whole in her side. I have never ate deer, but hit one with my van and totalled it out so I'm not fond of deer. LOLBob- you have a prairie dog as a pet? Where did you get that? They are so cute! What does it live in?