OT - RA Support Group | Arthritis Information


The Scottish Government has just given Midlothian a grant to fund the Midlothian RA Support Group until March 09. I think the average age of the first meeting was 102! The 3rd meet was on Wednesday (just gone), and they had a therapist come in and do 15 minute slots of Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Hand Massage etc.  I had a gentle hand massage and it was absolutely fabbie.

We've all been taksed to come up with ideas of 'who to invite' for the next meetings - which everyone could benefit from?
So far we've had somone from the benefits office, a fundraiser and a therapist, I've suggested an alternative herbalist who could give advice on healthy options which mix with the various drugs that RA sufferers take.
We also suggested an RA consultant come in for general questioning (not under a spotlight
Can I put it out in the open for ideas of who you would like to visit your support group, if you attend one?
I'm off to the pictures to see Twilight and will hopefully have received some ideas for later.
I don't know.  I am on the Antibiotic Protocol so that is what I am interested in.  Others evidently have other interests.A dietician, a life mentor( someone who can help with feeling good about yourself). My rheumy if he was closer as hes my hero..lolI went to Arthritis school through my treatment centre and some of the people we had in were an expert on Complimentary and Alternative medical therapies, a sex therapist, a Vocational rehab resource person, a dietician, and a Occupational therapist. They were all helpful, to varying degrees. They also gave useful handouts such as what places in town sell good sturdy shoes and where the warm water exercise pools are. very helpful.Thanks Robin, I'm going to suggest all of your ideas, there's bound to be something there which will interest everyone.occupational and physical therapist; exercise specialist; hand surgeon; hand therapist plus what the others suggestedThe RA educator I visited (from the RA Support Group and you get to have a one on one meeting for up to an hour!) told me that there is often a chiropodist at meetings, they have supplied me with books relating to RA and I am awaiting a video. Names/phone numbers/web addresses  of Tai Chi, Aquarobic Instructors etc are also provided.
I was given many brochures/info sheets on exercising joints, can/bottle opening aids, aromatherapy oils, info on RA and nutrition, info sheets on medications. Our Support Group have weekly exercise classes which I haven't attended, but I guess I will at some stage!
There is a quarterly magazine sent out to members, local newsletters and equipment can be loaned to you if needed.
All in all, I was/am very impressed with the support available in my area.
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