How I feel without MTX | Arthritis Information


Surprisingly  less achy! How can that be? Also very very tired. I thought the MTX is what makes me feel fatigued but I feel even more tired now.
It hasn't been that long- I only missed one dose and due to miss another on Tuesday.
That's good news so far about the MTX.  I'm due to restart mine next week after being off of it for two weeks now for sinus issues.  I don't think it's been a sinus infection though since I still have this damn post nasal drip going on.  It's really getting old..I hope I can see the ENT soon as I think that maybe corrective surgery is in my future for this.

Hi Bob, just a thought, my hubby has same issues as your post nasal drip, he tried saline, antibiotics, neither worked so GP sent him to an ENT, believe it or not he put Gary on Somac 40mg a day in pkm, as he believed it was more reflux than sinus???  We thought , no way - but it has definitely improved - Go figure?  Worth a try maybe.  Good luck, Janie. I hate MTX.  I am doped up half the weekend after I take it.  I feel like it "sort of works'.I'm a little on the "lazy" side the day after dosing (like today) and then I feel "normal for babs"  LOL

what is that though?  normal?
I hope you dont' get to feeling worse, wantto
RA didn't really return until after I missed three doses, and then it didn't go away for three doses. Hope it clears up fast for you.

Wow I got the aches back full force and then some from sitting on the floor wrapping presents for hours.  I was getting pains so bad it was making me wince! It's amazing how doing such small things can make you feel so crappy. I also have a pain in my calf that feels like a pulled muscle. From wrapping gifts? I wasn't using my feet LOL!Hope you get threw this quickly.