RA & connections with migraines? | Arthritis Information


I am wondering if any of you have had any experiences with any connections between RA and Migraine.

I have just had my first migraine. It came on on Saturday afternoon here and by today I was throwing up and had to be taken to the doctor's to get a shot of Stemital and Phenergan.

I have had to send Neve home to Grandpa, who is nearly 83 year old. Bless him, he took her to his place overnight. Neve was very excited to go. It's not something I usually expect of Grandpa being such a advanced age, I know he get's a big flustered with bouncy six year old. But he took her and I went to bed.

I just had no choice. After the shots, I was driven home with orders to go to bed immediately, throwing up again in the meantime. I slept a few hours woke up and yep, threw up again.

I am telling you I have never felt so sick in all my life. I much prefer RA. It is absolutely more fun than Migraine.

It's kinda
come from left field. I have never had one before. I can't see any trigger her except that I have been pushing myself quite hard to get through all of Neve's end of year activities. But how can one not attend your daughters Christmas Concert? I just have to be there but I am definitely feeling the fallout of it now. I attempted to pace myself as much as possible but it is not easy.

I just wondered where any one here had noticed any correlation between RA and Migraine because I am justed stunned that I had one. 
It seems like I had more problems with migraines at the onset of my RA. I also noticed I would become symptomatic around my cycle time. I also have more RA pain right before my monthly visitor. I have never had a situation as bad as your experience however. When I was sick this past summer with meningitis, my infectious disease doctor said to drink two Cokes, take two tylenols, and drink a protein shake. It helped.

I hope you don't go through this again, but I would keep track of the timing should another episode takes place.

Geez Cordy, you do not need anything else causing you pain. I hope this is just a one time occurrence. I don't know Cordeila- I've had migraines long before RA. It is an awful pain. Mine seem to be triggered hormonally. The worst part is knowing your stomach is not going to hold down the meds that you need. I never went for a shot. I usually put icy hot on the back on my neck and head bones and a cold cold rag over my eyes and lie in a dark room.

Hope this was a one time occurence for you.
Hi Cords!
I used to get migraines but haven't in a loooong time, Thank God.  Before I'd just ride them out - never took shots for them.  I'd known I'd seen something about migraines recently but didn't know where but I found it and posted it in the natural rememdy thread.
I found the link to migraines to magnesium interesting...especially since a lot of us also have RLS.  I know adding in potassium, magnesium and calcium to my regime got rid of the RLS.  And, most RA people are low in the essential minerals.  You might look at your latest labs to see how you're doing on those as I'm guessing you're low.  We all seem to be.
I've had migraines since I was 11.  They are probably the worst pain imaginable. I vomit with mine too.
 Lately I havent had as many regular migraines but I am getting ocular migraines more frequently..ick
I cannot add any info that may help with linking to RA.
I used to suffer as a kid on a few occasions and know from memory just how sickening they feel.

Cords, you know and I know about the one very big common denominator, STRESS.
How we handle it differs but it brings on other problems like Migraines and heart attacks.

Sure, there are other issues that contribute but that word stress seems to be in the bloody mix all the time.

Hope you wake to a better day....... today.
I am sorry that you now know truly what a migraine is.  I started getting them a few years ago and they are awful.  I had one last for 9 days, spent 2 of those in the hospital.  One recently discovered trigger for me are pea's.  Yep, those little, round, vegetables.  Its happened the last two times my hubby has made strew, with lots of pea's.  I looked up food triggers for migraines and guess what was on the list?!  Who would have thought?!  I'm also hoping its a one time deal for you as well.   I had one about a year ago while working at the church. I was typing the bulletin and the light got so bright and I had to close my eyes and lay my head on my desk. I felt real sick to my stomach but after a few minutes it passed. I don't know if it was a migraine but whatever it was, it wasn't fun. I hope yours goes away and never comes back!#%&*(Have had migrains for a very long time.....not fun, especially when I had young twins and a husband that travelled.  Bad memories, lol.

This is very interesting. I have had exactly three. All in the last 2 years. I have leaned toward dehydration after taking my Betaseron shot as being the cause. I never really get a headaches in general. But these were doooooseys..

Hello all!

First, I wanted to update you that it is looking life the migraine is over. I haven't vomited today although I still had the headache at that point. At least not throwing up today meant I was actually getting my meds in me. As WanttobeRAfree said, that is kind of a problem if you can't get the tablets in to make you feel better. They certainly needed to give me that shot of stuff and since I have backed it up with oral versions of them today and Mersyndol which is the pain killer used for these types of headaches. I knew from my mother's experience with migraines I should take a combo of pain relief and anti nausea meds so I had started all that before I even got to the shots yesterday.

This afternoon, I took more meds and had a two hour nap. I woke up with the headache very almost gone. I suspect with more medications and the sleep tonight, I should kick the last of it.

Thank you all so very much for your responses. I thought there may be an RA connection but more so I wanted any info on migraines and knew you guys would have experience I could learn from being a migraine rookie.

I don't think Neve had every seen anyone vomit before, poor kid, I think it was a bit of a shock to her system. She was wide eyed and walking around the house saying, "Poor Mummy" to anyone who would listen. My house was a little crazy yesterday with people coming and going for various reasons.

When I returned from the doctor's yesterday my father was here, he had come for a visit but was also incredibly worried about me. I was glad to see him because I needed his help. The doctors had told me I had to go to bed to get this under control, so I said to Dad, "You need to take Granddaughter home, Dad." Neve was thrilled to being going to Mr Grampy's (as she is calling him lately). Poor Dad, he is 83. My
83 year old babysitter.  plagued with one health issue after another. One of the other major issues has been in the last two and a bit weeks I have been barely able to move from RA I have been so stick. My gp was concerned so I got blood work done. The results were not great my ESR at 65 (at dx I was 82) and CRP an astounding 60 (at dx I was 65). I have not had a 60 CRP for at least two and a half years. So today I spoke to my RD and sorted out a bit of a plan that I am happy with. Also the stiffness has improved in the last two days so I am moving better now.

Apart from that I have had extra stress going on as well, which is never great but we are coping so much better than we once would. All my learning about pacing has paid off. I am getting so much better at 'riding the punches) with this delight called RA.

I will document the migraine because although I hope not to ever have another, at least documentation helps me track them if I need too.

I wish all of you out there who experience migraines and suffer with them kind thoughts and warmest wishes. It is absolutely no fun at all.

Cordelia2008-12-23 06:24:40Hi Cords, so sorry to hear about the migraines, not nice!  My Dad gets them, very rough, extrememly painful, he swore by the Jack and Jill nursery rhyme cure.  (He went to bed to mend his head with vinegar and brown paper.)  He would go out in the yard at night and sit under the stars with vinegar on his brown paper bag and over his head - worth a try, watch out for cameras though, you know - funniest home videos?????

Get well soon, love Janie.

Hi there
Boy am I sorry to hear you had to experience one of these.  I have had them most my life.  But mine get so bad I have lost sight in one eye, went numb my entire left side.  Could not turn my head without screaming in pain.  And yes vomit every few minutes.  I have also ended in the hospital because of them.  They hurt and they are scary too.
I hope when yours goes away it stays away for good.
Hi Cordy Hon
As with a lot of people I've had migraines since my teens. My migraines have progressed to the eyes which starts off with zig zaggy lines then blindness till you've taken the necessary drugs and locked yourself in a dark, quiet room to rest. I too take the stemitil to stave off the sickness (but dont like the palpitations they give me). Sorry to hear you've been so poorly again. Neve will no doubt have enjoyed herself with Gramps. Take care honey and have a good break and hugs to you both.
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