Lung update | Arthritis Information


Well, so I got pneumonia on the 24th of Nov., had to cancel a trip to see son in NYC and other son for grad from Master's program.  Thought I was better, but pneumonia came back last week.  Supposedly, its gone now.  Pulmonary doc seems to think the RA lung nodules are causing enough trouble to open a space for pneumonia to grow.  He has me on loads of steroids (yuck) but can't start back on Humira and MTX til all infection is gone.  The cough has me in agony from pulled muscles.  He (and my RA doc) are now on vacation til after the New Year.  He said if I was feeling better this week, I could start back on my meds but I am coughing just as bad as when I went to the ER last Sunday (except no fever).  Now I am wondering if I should just roll the dice and take the meds to see if they make it all go away.  Catch 22.  Thoughts? My son's thesis show was a success, here is a link to his work;
So, maybe I am looking for support/sympathy/empathy/a connection to the outside world/a pity party with more that one guest? Hey waddle, I don't think you should restart your meds yet because it sounds h like the doctor was pretty clear about that. It's a bummer to have to be dealing with that, and especially canceling your trip to NYC! Are you going to go when you feel better?Yeah..I'd wait until the doctor gives u the green light.  So sorry you had to miss your son's grauation.

Hope your 100% soon and back on your meds!
Well, we thought we might make the trip over Christmas... oh well.  Maybe this spring when people are not coughing and hacking on the plane.  I was smart enough to take out trip insurance (AIG was the carrier.  HA!) so I hope that comes thru.  Thanks for the connection, guys.  It just helps sometimes, ya know? I know, and it really does suck about missing your Christmas plans. I think more people will want to respond to your situation. Your post is only a bit older than an hour and there's not that much traffic on the board lately. People are really busy with the holidays and the global shakeup going on. But that doesn't mean they don't care about you!Thanks, gimpy.  Pity parties are pitiful, huh?   [QUOTE=waddie] Thanks for the connection, guys.  It just helps sometimes, ya know? [/QUOTE]
Yep..understand what u mean.  Oh..btw..your son's work...quite unique and interesting...enjoyed looking at it!
Thanks kelstev, it's not everyone's cup of tea but he sure knows how to voice his opinion! WOW.. Great detail on the self-portraits! 
sorry you were in a bad way and had to miss the celebration.....
I hope this lung thing clears up for you quickly.......
Sorry things have hit like this Waddie.  It just plain stinks.  Is there any chance they can fly home to be with you for Christmas?
I hope you beat this thing quickly and get rid of that cough so you can travel and do the things you want to do.  Best wishes, and you should be very proud of your son!
Very sorry. You deserve a pity party. Get well soon. Sorry you missed your trip but i wouldnt start your meds until infection had cleared...I did that and really wished i hadnt..your sons work is really different but i loved it..
I hope you get better really soon
lisa x
I wish they could come home but Tomas really is a starving artist and the other is trying to make ends meet in NYC.  I sure do miss them, I don't know how we got separated by so many miles.  We all talk everyday, thanks to the miracle  of modern telephones! I found a post by gimpy about mycoplasma pneumoniae.  Think I will ask my doc about this... Hey Waddie....sorry you're sick, especially at Christmas.  I know how much those family visits mean to a mom whose sons are far from home.  I won't be seeing one of my boys on Christmas either.  Hope you get better soon.  Follow your doctor's orders.  You don't want to get any sicker.Hi Waddie, the last thing you need to do is fly and breath everyone else's air.  I'm so sorry that you couldn't make it to NYC, especially for your boys.
I wouldn't take the meds until your lungs are clear.  Have you had cultures?  I also have lung nodules and my docs keep a close watch.  So far no pneumonia.  If you're still coughing I'd likely go get checked out.  It's possible you might need an antibiotic switch.  Take care and keep us posted on how you're doing.  You know we all deserve a pity party at times and don't apologize.  Lindy
It's a shame you have to stay home but it is probably best for your health. Always seems to hit when there is something we would like to do! Hope you get better soon.

The sculptures are very interesting- your son is quite talented!
WOW....really talented young artist.  LSo very sorry you missed your planned trip. You are Blessed with a talented son.
You should be proud.
I lean to the side of waiting to start your meds, I feel the benefit of waiting out weighs the risk.
Best Wishes to you and your family.....and if you ever want to party....
( pity, birthday, christmas, etc) I am your girl!
