NOROVIRUS | Arthritis Information


I am just recovering from this bug, its been so nasty. somewhere i have lost 2 days ( think i must have had my head in the toilet) i havent taken my meds , and i have been on an antibiotic for tooth abcess which proabaly hasnt done anythingas my mouth hurts like mad. Tonight I feel not too bad so hopefully its going away...hope anyone else here from UK is ok. pincushion2008-12-23 08:43:28Gosh Lisa....that sure IS a nasty bug!  We have had it in a few hospitals here the last few months and I had an experience a few of years ago when a couple who were staying at the Hotel I leased the kitchen in, ate with us ( 2 different meals) and the next day were violently ill. They went to the hospital and had to be rehydrated. Anyway, they blamed my food!!! Grrrrrr.......... It turned out that they had left Christchurch ( the city they lived in) not knowing that they had caught the bug there and 24 hrs later when in OUR city, it struck. The housemaid who serviced their room caught it also.
Good to know you are feeling a little better. You have been thru' the wars lately.
Lyn xxxx
Noro blows through here now and again - I remember once when it hit my college dorm, and another time when it hit the nursing home I worked at.  I used muscles I didn't know I had trying to puke up food that had left the building hours ago! OOFA- please keep the virus in the UK! So sorry you are feeling so ill and with an abscessed tooth on top of it all! Hope you feel better soon! Pinn,
That is awful   I am so sorry you are so sick. 
I sure hope you start feeling better!!
Aw, Lisa, feel better.  Next time someone is passing a virus around, just say "No thanks, I'm all set."!
Hope you are feeling much better for Christmas, and that the rest of the family doesn't come down with it now.
Happy Holidays, Lisa!
I saw someone on CNN a week ago I think making this out like it was going to be the next pandemic.  What they didn't mention is that ALL viral gastroenteritis is caused by Norovirus or a group of viruses in the same category.  It's really only going to become deadly when you can't remain hydrated enough.  Mainly for older people and children, but adults are miserable with it too as pincushion can attest. 
The virus is spread through close contact with vomit or feces where it is highly concentrated.  It's also spread through the air when a person with it vomits so it's best to try and avoid someone who has it.  The CDC says it better than me though look here for info:
Hope no-one else gets this bug.  I think I'd take RA over it anytime.  Hope you feel better pin you've had some rough luck too lately.
Bob H
Sounds really bad, Lisa....glad you're feeling better in time for Christmas!my little one had this last week.  Tricked us first since he ran a high fever(104) but he always runs high fevers when sick.  It took about 3 days for it to "run its course"  We ended up at the pediatricians day 2 to get fluids.  Poor kid hasn't had a stomach bug since he was a baby.  He is 5 now.  He was so upset everytime he threw up and "almost" made it to the bathroom. 


Norvo blowing through Scotland like a dose of salts too... you wouldnt think with it being so damn cold that it could spread so quickly. There's a good reason not to use public transport with the 'great unwashed'I wish I could send you some magic to heal you and protect your family.  I can send you healing thoughts for a fast recovery so consider that done. I believe I've picked up a stomach bug.  We had rehearsal for the children's mass this past Saturday at church and one of the kids hurled all over the stage.  I have a bit of a reputation for being able to handle disgusting biohazard messes without losing my lunch, so I had the honor of cleaning it up.  I've had some rather unpleasant lower GI issues since early this morning (can't stay out of the bathroom...) and now I feel like I'm gonna hurl too. Hopefully it was a minor bug. This too shall pass... Oh Jas. i hope you are ok....mine seems to have been ok since this morning...i got some lomital from the doc and prochloperazine for nausea..( didnt realise it was used for bi polar too) maybe the doc thinks i have a disorder..what ever worked.