OT: Hello! :) | Arthritis Information


Hey, everyone! Hope this note finds you all doing well.

We got back from our vacation last week and things have kinda been hectic ever since. We need a vacation from our vacation! The wedding/reaffirmation went well. It was cheesy like no other, but ok. "Sit down, shut up, no pictures - vows - get out."
California was nice and we were able to see the ocean while we were there. It blew me away with how many people were surfing still! It was pretty damn chilly! We also went into the mountains/desert to visit grandparents and actually got stuck up there because they shut down the path down the mountain due to ice and snow. Palm Desert and snow. Not anything I thought would go together.
Anyhow, we had a blast and are still recovering. My older son will be here Friday afternoon and I'm thrilled to see him. We are going to have our Christmas Saturday morning.
As far as the RA goes... ugh and yucky. I spent the whole time in Vegas mainly in a wheelchair. I was in a pretty good amount of pain the whole trip. I'm actually going in to the RDs office tomorrow to have my knee drained. It's crazy swollen and extremely uncomfortable. I started Imuran today and I'm not sure if it's going to agree with me. I feel like crap after taking it. LOL I'll give it some time though.
I hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening/morning!
edited to add: another picture. can't have too many pictures!! LOL
CO_Mel2008-12-24 15:41:18What a lovely couple you are! Glad you were able to make the best of things! Hope you feel better soon! Good luck with the knee! You both look so very happy!  Beautiful photos, Mel!  Sorry you're feeling so rough though.
To be honest...I wasn't sure who you were while reading your post...until I read the "I hope you are all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening/morning!" then I remembered!
btw..beautiful dress!
Hi Mel, you look gorgeous, such a beaming smile, all the very best to you and your hubby for Chrissy and 2009, hugs Janie. Nice pictures!!
I heard from my brother in Colorado.  He said they are having the Alberta Express, snow and frigid cold weather coming right down from Canada!!!!  Cold.  Take care.Lovely pictures..both of you look so happy. Sorry you felt so bad in vegas .
Hope you have a wonderful christmas on Saturday
Great Pics of a very handsome couple.
Hope your health and wealth improve in the new year.
Great pictures!  You guys look so happy.
Hope draining the knee gives you some relief.
Just thought I'd yell about that for a little bit... 
Thank you, everyone, for the compliments! I'm thinking about wearing the dress to Walmart. hehe
Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable evening! Hugs all around.
What lovely pictures and couple.    Sorry that the knee draining wasn't so great - hope I never have to to that.
Happy holidays! 

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