Xango - Any Stories | Arthritis Information



has anyone tried this?

A friend just gave me 2 bottles to try

Clufus, 2 bottles of what?

Luv, Justme.
xango is a fruit drink made from Mangosteem fruitWell, I had a sister in law that tried it and it did nothing for her.  It obviously does some things for other people though, or it wouldn't be so popular.  Even Costco was selling a brand of it for a while I think!

I tried it for one week because a friend was selling it. It was very expensive- for the week supply so I said I would try one bottle. I couldn't tell any difference. My friend said she didn't think I could tell in one week but I wasn't willing to buy another bottle! I read cherry juice is good for inflamation. I might give it a try. It must be cheaper!

(However, an elderly friend tried Xango and she gained significant mobility. She was in a lot of pain and could barely move her neck, but she doesn't have RA.)

To add to this...i heard that pomegranate juice is good for fatigue and brain fog...
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