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I'm so antsy! I'm ready for the holidays! I'm at work and it's so quiet. We had our employee luncheon with our plant workers today and they are gone. We office people are watching the clock until 5 PM. Hoping the boss will let us go early!

I'm ready to start celebrating!!!
My office had a skeleton crew today.  It was kind of nice!  I have to work tomorrow too.  I'm sure there will be even less people tomorrow.  I have to work tomorrow as well, though given the state of my gut and the fact that the snow in Chicagoland won't let up, I think I'll be working from home.

I can't wait to go to Minnesota to visit my sister!  The boys and I will be driving up on Christmas day, or possibly the day after depending on the weather.  It's about a 6-hour drive.
[QUOTE=JasmineRain]I have to work tomorrow as well, though given the state of my gut and the fact that the snow in Chicagoland won't let up, I think I'll be working from home.

I can't wait to go to Minnesota to visit my sister!  The boys and I will be driving up on Christmas day, or possibly the day after depending on the weather.  It's about a 6-hour drive.

Hey JasmineRain, I don't live too far from you.  I'm just west of Bloomington, Indiana.  We had ice yesterday afternoon into evening.  It was definitely a scary ride home. 
I'm off work the rest of the week, but still was up early.  That internal clock gets me every time.   Church tonight and appetizers and a holiday movie afterwards.   My oldest works 25th - 27th, so we're doing Christmas on the 28th.
SnowOwl - lobster sounds wonderful.  We do crab legs for Christmas dinner, but may need to switch it around some year.
JasmineRain - forecast for MN is freezing rain on Friday, so be careful.   Which area of MN does your sister live?
Merry Christmas!
I'm not working today... but am in on the 26th... which I probably could have used as a recovery day after my very busy christmas day of serving breakfast, pastries, etc and then dinner and desert to all my family all day.......  but I will have to vegetate in my office  LOLI have to work tomorrow too.  Just a couple of hours in the very early morning.  But.  We are having a big thaw in MI today which will freeze again over night.  Looks like an icy drive.  I can always go in later if I want to, but I'd like to have it over with while it's still really early just so I can be done with it and enjoy the rest of the day.  Anyone know when global warming is scheduled to come to MI?  I hope by now you all are starting a well-earned Christmas break, and that the bad winter conditions we have been  hearing about have not affected your power supply or your joints!
Snow Owl, love the pic of Christmas owl 
Santa comes to Australia early so it is lunch time on Xmas Day here.  Some family visited and now off to see other members of family;  we have had lots of phone calls and emails;  will have a quite rest of day, just hub and I.  Warm humid weather here in my area;  perhaps we should parcel up some of our summer weather and post it over to the States - sounds like u need it!!
Keep safe and warm, and have a wonderful Christmas Day.
My boys are rocking out with Guitar Hero World Tour right now.  We only got them one present this year, and that was it.  They were overjoyed when they saw the big box this morning!  We let them open it a day early because with our crappy Chicago weather we've pretty much been housebound.  Besides, we leave for Minnesota in the morning so it wouldn't be much fun to have them open the present and then hop in the car a half hour later! Well, we made it to Minnesota.  Traffic was a breeze and the weather was decent.  The boys even behaved themselves!