Dog therapy | Arthritis Information


I saw a report that dogs are used as therapy for patients at a hospital  in Santa Barbara.  It showed a 4 year old girl with cancer responding very well to a dog with antlers on.  I think animals can be very therapeutic.  They have been for too!!

There are some homes for the aged who have animals visit or as resident pets! 
Yes, our old neighbors had their dog certified to be a visitor to assisted living homes.
Babs, you sound like us with the pets!  Animals bring so much joy....and a lot of work
But they are worth every bit of it, if you are able to keep them 
*edited by me because I made a boo boo* Our county schools used a woman who brought animals in regularly to visit the children with "severe and profound" disabilities.  She brought a crew-a jack russel, great dane, llamas, name it. They were the calmest animals.   The funniest thing happened around Easter.  Custodians were working on the fire alarm which went off.  That set off a chain of events which resulted in the dane jumping on a table in hall-which then promptly collapsed-which then caused all the animals to freak out and run in the hall.  So, there I am teaching a science lesson and this llama runs in my room-with bunny ears on.  Not a normal sight.  It simply stopped in the middle of the room and then sat itself down.  Kinda scary that it would find my room as a calm spot!
Oh--none of the animals were hurt.  Just very funny.
I have 12 dogs!  Trying to give them all equal amounts of attention doesn't leave a lot of time for thinking about how crappy I feel.  I guess that's the therapeutic part?  We used to take one of our small dogs in to the rest home where my wife's grandfather was before he passed.  The old folks loved her, the resident cat didn't.  She would go room to room begging for scraps of their dinner and they were more than happy to share.  I thought one lady was going to dognap her once she loved her that much.My brother lives in Colorado out in the country.  One of his neighbors has llamas but I didn't know it.  I was out taking a drive one day, saw the llamas and thought I was hallucinating!!!!!
Later found out they were for real!!!!
