Arthritis Information -Recently Diagnosed & On TOO Many Rxs!


Hey Dak, I am so sorry you are newly diagnosed and dealing with unemployment/disability.  It seems "when it rains, it pours".  I believe this forum will help you find answers that will help ease some of the stress you are probably feeling in dealing with the pain, the frustration, the anxiety, the uncertainty, the fuzziness, the search for answers...  Using "Search" for specifics can help you find answers fast and people on this forum are very supportive when you just feel bad and want some support.
It bothers all of us taking so much medicine. It takes a while till you find the right medicine combo to work for you. I am sorry you are having such a hard time. Welcome to the forum. There are alot of people that understand what you are going threw. I hope you find the right answer soon.Hello. I am 35 and was diagnosed in Sept with RA (and osteo-arthritis diagnosed 2yrs ago). In March I had a 2nd scope of my right knee done and have had pain ever since! I have tried cortisone, Tramadol, Ultram, Norco, synvisc injections and PT before being sent to a Rheum Dr. She started me on Prednisone and then Methotrexate - neither of which I felt was helping. I saw a 2nd Rheum Dr who confirmed and stopped the Pred, increased the Metho and added Leflunomide in addition to Tramadol with monthly blood work to monitor. Last week my ortho-surgeon recommended trying Voltaren Gel to help with the pain and my GP gave me a stronger Norco Rx to help with pain through the holidays until I see the Rheum Dr again mid-Jan. My GP/nurse practioner advised asking about using Remicade with Metho. As I am totally PHOBIC of needles and especially IVs, I am not real keen on this option unless it can really help. I feel like a walking drug store that should be closed!!!

Other facts:  I am recently unemployed and filed for disability b/c the pain keeps increases despite the increased meds and the decreased - almost non-existant - day to day activity. I have trouble sleeping despite sleeping Rxs and all the meds taken. The pain keeps me up b/c I can't get comfortable. I have had knee problems since I was in Jr High and after initial scope surgery in HS, I had no problems except doing a lot of stairs. But this Jan, after a long year of depression, weight gain, and a mis-step which caused me to twist my knee, it has gone downhill from there! I did get a custom knee brace that seems to help a little but can be cumbersome and hard to wear for more than a couple hours at a time.

