New Years Resolutions | Arthritis Information


Anyone have any new years resolutions?  I am still working on mine.  I hate to make them, because I usually break them.  What is everyone working on this year???

PhatsDIET DIET DIET................maybe . I would like to say that i will go to the health centre more to swim and do yoga and I will carry on with the not smoking...its got so easy now.Mine is to continue to bother inflamedOnline

Mine is to be more faithful in using coupons, sounds easy, but I can clip them, organize them, make a shopping list ......then leave all the coupons at home, in the car or even have them in my pocket and forget to use them.

So I will resolve to try to save money this year. I figure the economy will be good motivation.

Good Thread Phats!

suck upIO, we know what your resolution SHOULD be, which one of the ladies below is really you?
Third from the left, right next to you in the green. That was a great weekend huh?I told you I couldn't go, I can't stand fat, it creeps me out so I didn't want to spend all weekend looking at that nastiness!  NOW I'm glad I turned you down.  Does your family, your church, your co-workers know that you swing both ways?  PLEASE stop pm'ing me, I am NOT interested in cyber-sexing with you.i am the first one...  that is what i am heading for if i do not get off my butt and start exercising soon.   too bad groupie you missed a great weekend! ;-)   w.w.still working on my new year's resolution....  i will let you know as soon as i am sure i know what i what to try to accomplish.   saving money is always on the list.  paying off bills.  better health.   we need a new roof and i am afraid i need a new car.....  i would like to see my grown children    grow up and make right decisions.  that means lots of prayer on my part.    these are just a few.    be nicer to my husband.    go out more.....  welcome new friendships!  study God's word more and trust the Lord in everything.   wonderowman  Don't make them.  Take it one day at a time.I don't make resolutions but each year I do set achievable goals after much thought about the previous year.  This year my goasl are simple - I want to be able to golf 18 holes by April 1st.  My second goal is to increase my volunteer efforts.  LindyLinB-
Good luck with the golf and the volunteering.  BOth sound great.
Eat more fiber.
There's always the usual - paying of bills, exercising more, complaining less...   
I think my main goal will be to get into remission. That sounds like a good one.
Hope everyone is having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!! fart loudernow, there's a noble goal, Gimpy!! 
I hope to become healthier... it's my only goal for 2009.....  
I've promised my hubby that I wont want to do anything to the house this year (this year we've had to replace a roof, had cavity wall insulation put in and we've had a new kitchen installed)..... Homes are such money pits, it will be the first year since we got here (10 years ago), that the house wont have had something done.... probably just as well being as there's a credit crunch 'n' all.
Apart from that I'm going to try my best to keep the bladder infections (I've had 5 this year and the last one was an haemoregic one.... ouch) down to a minimum (god knows how I'm going to do that but I'm going to try).
Going to keep happy for my hubby who suffers from depression. Keep a closer eye on my MiL who had a heart attack 3 weeks ago, (I got her to A&E just in time, she's had 2 stents and is now in fine fettle) and give my son more space to become the man he wants to be.
And of course 'a hug a day'.
Hope that you all have a great 2009. Happy and as healthy as possible.
[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]fart louder[/QUOTE]
I'm going to start creating digital art.

I was always artistic but RA has forced me to give it up. I don't do well without a creative outlet.

Try to be up and about when the kids are off to school, mornings are awful as you all know and I am really hoping the rituxan will work for me and not cause any allergic responses!  Try to exercise every day, broken feet or no broken feet, and try not to cancel so many things due to pain and crippling rapid fatigue!  Eat healthier and be healthier, please God.  HUgs Janie.  To sleep better.  When I have too much going on I tend to cut short my sleep time, which makes me crabby, short-tempered and ill-mannered. Take one thing at a believe I went to the grocery last night...and I forgot my coupons...again...I did find that I could download coupons on my grocery discount card from a web site I found on Moms shop Krogers....Now that is a cool way to use coupons.IO, I think one of your resolutions needs to be that you are going to be nice to me.[QUOTE=lorster]IO, I think one of your resolutions needs to be that you are going to be nice to me.[/QUOTE]
LOL......................practice what you preach baby....
Oh and THERE is SALT in the ocean.....(lol)
lorster, she needs to be nice to everyone in here.  There isn't enough space on the AI servers to list the resolutions she should make.[QUOTE=lorster]IO, I think one of your resolutions needs to be that you are going to be nice to me.[/QUOTE]
Loser, you are an ass

Phats, how about you...have you worked out a resolution yet?

I think my new years resolution is to use my gym membership more often  .  I'm sure I'll think of more as the days pass....
Having trouble coming up with anthing?....found these on another post....

I will do less laundry and use more deodorant - Lazy and Smart Fellow

I'm going to learn cusswords in different languages - Expert Curser in Own Language

If I see a UFO I won't tell anybody about it - Spoilsport

[QUOTE=Phatgirl2] [QUOTE=lorster]IO, I think one of your resolutions needs to be that you are going to be nice to me.[/QUOTE]


Thank you Phats. I will take that as a big complement coming from you. lorster2009-01-01 21:14:39huh?Found this on page 250.
I guess at this time of year, we just ponder on all those resolutions we didn't keep  lol!  As for me, I don't make any on New Year's Eve any more 
