Fibro Help | Arthritis Information


I was just diaganosed w/ Fibromyalgia (have been dealing with pain for 4 years now) My Rheumatologist is prescribing me Trazadone at 50mg. I'm currently on Ambien and am having some anexity in switching to Trazadone as I haven't read any positive experiences/feedback with Trazadone from support groups or message boards. What REALLY works in controlling the pain? I want a normal life and I have to make choices daily such I wash the dishes OR do I take a bath? I can't do both and sometimes neither.

Also, I live on a 3rd floor apartment and struggling with getting groceries and taking trash out. Any ideas for services that do this? I need a solution in the meantime until I move.

Your feedback is very appreciated.



 Welcome to the site. I was diagnosed this summer with fibro and also have OA. I did try Trazadone and It did not work for me, but some people have great luck with it. I take pain medication regularly and have been having a horrible time with the insomnia. I tried Ambien and it actually caused more pain for me...weird huh? Medication effects us all so differently.

I certainly understand what you are struggling with. It is something we all do. I want my life back and everything seems to be defined before the fibro and after the fibro. Do you feel that way?

 I can't imagine climbing up to the third floor. How do you do that? I would be exhausted when I reached there.

I am sorry I am not much help to you. Just wanted to let you know that I understand the pain and what you are going through. Keep in touch.

