OT Great Gardens of England DVD | Arthritis Information


I just saw an ad for Great Gardens of England DVD, ranging from those surrounding the grandest of castles to simple plantings in tiny courtyards.  Sound nice.

At Signatures 800)551-2846.
I thought of you when I saw it!!  It does sound wonderful and relaxing.  I'll look it up at amazon.

I put in a brandywine maple this year, too -- and it gave a glorious show of color for its first year in the ground. It is a gorgeous tree. Hope I live long enough to see it attain its full glory.Snow - despite it all, got 200 spring bulbs in the ground this year -- and hope to put in a couple of flowering shrubs come spring. Oh, and I did manage to get in two more rose bushes and a rose of sharon this year.Snow-
My cousin had a flowering plant that flowered at night.  There are some that do.  Sounds exotic.
I saw this post and thought of my roots ( pardon the pun)  i am from a little county in england called Kent, it is known as the garden of England and we have some beautiful countryside, trees and flowers, thought id post a website
Yeah, the neighbors must have got a good laugh at me planting bulbs -- most of the time sitting on my butt, but sometimes laying flat out digging in the dirt.... Kansas is an odd place for plantings -- We have very hot summers (usually dry) and it can get very cold during the winter. I do want to put in a stand of pampas grass -- love those fluffy stalks and still doing research on what else will do well here. I too was an apartment dweller most of my life and went into a shear panic when some of my bulbs started to pop during a mild spell this winter.... But, I've been told that to just leave them be and they'll be back in the spring. Let us pray!   When it comes to flowering stuff, there's hardly anything that I don't like!

Then, I get to plant some spring annuals this spring, too -- arthritis willing and the creeks don't rise. I haven't even started with the back yard yet!pin

Thank-you for sharing the link to Kent -- it must be wondrous living in a fairy tale land. I would love to convert one of the Oust houses into a home.Snow -- My bulbs were popping up thru heavy clay soil! pin-
Great site.
this is another one...some nice plantspin-
Another great site.
We could do this all winter.I love my Garden, its not looking so good at the moment, the whole of Kent has been hit by a hard frost and sub zero temperatures..I cant wait for march and spring to arrive.My grandmother used to grow African violets with a grow light.  Know anything about this?  Gives flowers in winter.My aunt grew them in her bathroom window -- beautiful plants -- and they love humidity. I, too, am kept by cats and don't dare have them around.Wait! I just looked it up -- and according to the Cat Fanciers Association, African Violets are NOT toxic to cats. But mine would eat them anyway so no sense growing them.....We have had some quite severe winter frosts and low temperatures for a while but yesterday it snowed lightly and the english countryside was very pretty, I took some photos on my phone while we were out and thought id  share them with you.
Nice pictures.  I don't know how to post them at all!!!Pin-
Still like these sites.
I know some people who do that.  GOod idea.  Good luck.
Proud pepper parents!!!!  Sounds good.  I was a zucchini parent one year.  They are also easy to grow!!!
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