Radiesse for Hands | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

I recently saw an episode of The Doctors, where a lady who had prominent tendons and veins on her hands had Radiesse injected to help 'fill in' areas to help reduce the appearance.

I am 34 and I have experienced a 'wasting' that my Rheumatolists refers to where my hands have the same problems.  My doctor said this is common for people w/ RA.  The lady's hands on the show looked much better after the injections.

Has anyone tried this?

Hadn't heard of it til you mentioned it, but wouldn't do it if i could. I just don't care that much about "appearances" -- and shooting in a drug just for the sake of my feeling better about myself, just doesn't appeal to me.I saw something like this on Dr90210 and the difference in the woman's hands afterwards was amazing! They took fat from her knees. It was the only place she had any to remove. This woman was a Yoga or Pilates instructor and had the body of an 18yr old in her late 40s! They then used the fat to inject it into her hands and kinda mushed it around until it settled in. It was pretty damn interesting and the results were incredible. I think the reason I am interested in taking away some of the wasting appearance is b/c when I look at my hands I see sickness.  My hands look arthritic to me.  If some of that can go away, I think it would help my mindset.
I'm glad to hear there are options out there.
Island Woman I'm with you I don't care about the "appearances" thing either but I am 52.  I guess if I were still 34 it would matter and I might look into getting those injections.  My hands are affected from the RA and I too see sickness when I look at them.
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