Its a ? about a foot | Arthritis Information


Okay guys,

Oscar has got a big hard bump on his foot
any ideas?
Thanks Yikes a bunion maybe?

It is further down than a bunion would be.  It is on the top of his foot like a little more than an inch before his ankle.

 I don't know Pam- let us know when you find out- best of luck!
So he's ok to walk on it but it hurts to touch it? Did he twist it funny or anything? Poor kiddo. Def let us know what the doc says.
Does it move when you touch it? It could be a big rheumatoid nodule. I have one on my toe that shrank when I started Minocin but there's still a little one there.Hi Mel, yes, he walks on it.  He has been walking a lot lately and I am wondering if that has caused this.  His toes are kind of crooked and it may cause some kind of weird pressure.  I have been googling and there is a joint there (something like "lisfranc").
Hi gimpy,
I thought about a rheumatoid nodule when I first saw it, but he had one on his wrist and this is so different.  It is a lot bigger and hard, like boney hard.
It could be a bone spur the best thing to do is have his foot x rayed and see if it is a spur they do surgically remove them if it is causing problems. I don't know if that will help but it might be that, let us know what happens! meme Thanks meme!
That helped.  I think it is a midfoot joint spur.
I guess I will find out for sure on Friday.  It would be nice if it would just go away though:)
I have the same thing. Thanks for letting me know what it is!Good luck with this.