Swollen Lymph Node but no fever... | Arthritis Information


I am on Arava.  I have had a cold, and I think I might have a sinus infection, but mainly I just feel achey sick.  But no fever.  But I do have a lymph node in my neck (under jaw) that I can feel and it hurts.  Just the one though. 

I guess this means I should schedule with the doctor?  Or should I believe that I can drink lots of water and beat it?  I don't have headache/face pain really.  Just sneezy/achey/post nasal drip.
If the swollen node is just from a cold (could it be?) then am I going to go in and be told, just make sure it goes away? 
I only found the node because I was feeling my thyroid to see if the medicine is helping that at all yet.  I have a palpable nodule in there too, but this is farther over, less than an inch under my jaw bone. 
My gut feeling is I need to schedule, but--no fever, so ?
I haven't been super sick but my kids have gotten a couple of colds recently. 
Katie. If the node is soft, moves about easily and is tender, it is most likely from your cold/infection. If the node is hard, fixed and non tender, best get it checked out soon. Huggs, Or if it continues after you're over the URI.  If it's really a worry for you, get it checked out.  Sometimes the peace of mind is worth the visit.  LindyHi KatieG,
Your msg caught my eye because I have some of the same symptoms.  I had a scan  that showed the lymph nodes were swollen all over. fevers were ever morning but then leave just as always with ra symptoms.  I lymph node was removed and turned out to be non cancerous, although the docs are always suggesting i remove another one deeper in the body.  I am not able to right now. too much to recover from and really no one but me. so will wait until they get the other things under control first.  however, I do think because of my experience it should be something you have checked out at least.
hope it turns out okay. take care.
Thanks everyone.  Wow, Shelly, that is awful!  I hope you feel better soon and that things get under control ASAP. 
Tonight I am feeling bad enough that I don't think I'll care if the doctor just says drink lots of water and rest, it feels worth the trip at this point, I guess.  Just hate to miss more work.
I thought swollen lymph nodes are kind of a part of having RA...maybe I'm wrong. Yeah, I read that they can be a symptom of RA!  I guess it's hard to exclude other things when you are sick though.  All so confusing...because of my thyroid problems, I had my neck looked at recently and they were fine, so if it's RA that's not a good sign that they are developing...I get swollen lymps from time to time due to RA.  My docs are aware.Hi Katie,
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.  I too get swollen nodes and they have been tracking them for a couple of years now.  I had one removed last year and it turned out to be non cancerous.  I was told the RA could be doing it and was also told that when the thyroid is inflamed, the node may become large as well.  The docs and I know that I have a lot of enlarged lymph nodes and we just keep on eye on them.  It wouldn't hurt for you to call your doctor if you are concerned though.  Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon.  Any improvement with your thyroid?  Remember that too takes some time to get the levels right.  Hiking_gal
What's weird about my thyroid is that I can't yet tell any difference that I have been taking it.  Maybe I'm a little less of this or that, but I wouldn't know.  It still bugs me when I lie on my back and I don't think it's any less tender, but it's not yet been 6 weeks, and I don't go until March. I get TSH tested twice before then.
I went ahead and scheduled with an endo at Vandy right before my RD, I figured why not get a second opinion on the nodule if I'm driving all the way up there anyway.  And on the treatment plan, although I don't know how much she'll be able to assess since I won't have been on it very long.
I went to a nurse practitioner today.  She didn't freak out when she felt the lymph node.  She said it felt okay.  Since she didn't freak, I'm going to forget about it but I will have RD take a look if it is still inflamed in Feb.  It's not all popping out of my neck but I can feel it and it hurts (with pressure at least).  She gave me a Z pack but I don't have a fever and she said chances are that it's viral and will go away soon.  I feel better now than this weekend so I think I'll wait a few days before filling the Z pack. 

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