Arthritis Information -Hello Again


Hello again!  It's gypsyrose - I've been gone from these boards for a long time, but still check in occasionally to see how everyone is doing. 

I was diagnosed with RA over six years ago, and also have fibromyalgia along with the RA, a LOT of trouble with tendonitis, and recently underwent the EMG test to see if I had carpal tunnel syndrome (which was negative, but was told I probably either have a type of neruopathy from the RA/fibro or am in the very early stages of carpal tunnel).  Anyway, seems there's nothing to be done at this point; however, I found the information on reflex sympathtetic dystrophy of the hand quite interesting, as I have almost all of those symptoms.  I intend to discuss that with my rheumatologist at my next visit.

I had begun treatment with my physician, who is an internal medicine specialist, with methotrexate & Celebrex, but over the past two years my rheumatologist has tapered me down and then completely off the mtx.  He thinks the majority of my symptoms are from the fms rather than RA.  I don't really know what to think.  I have found, though, that the brain fog was helped immensely when my rheumy prescribed Cymbalta about a year ago.  It was unbelievable how quickly it removed the cloud in my head, and helped the memory problems also.  I would highly recommend it!

I hope all of you are doing well since last we spoke, and I hope my other commitments will allow me to visit this site more often than I have in the past.  (I still work full-time & then some, plus have a family and elderly parents who need a lof of assistance, so my time is seldom my own).




Hmmm... what does carpel tunnel feel like?  I have a lot of pain in my right wrist and it get's worse with computer usage.   I wonder if that is what it could be! Welcome Gypsy....Sounds like you'll have plenty to contribute to the group...Glad you're here.

Hello GypsyRose, et al,

I joined this forum last summer and when I went back to work in September, found little time to contribute anymore.

Am experiencing a lot of pain in my rt wrist the past couple of days.  Very little swelling, but a lot of pain.

Not sure who still visits this board, but it's nice to be back.


Molly Bee

I figured out that for any Arthritis patient, it is best to wear a brace when on the computer ! I have started wearing one and will never go back.  I just wear a tensor bandage.