Early Detector test for RA | Arthritis Information


A new test to detect RA way early (but not approved in the US yet)::

http://www.eveningtelegraph.co.uk/output/2009/01/06/story12465039t0.shtmI wonder what the first line would be?  I don't understand what you mean, Suzanne.I don't understand how this is any different than the regular Anti-CCP test, unless perhaps it is simply more sensitive and detects it earlier. [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]I don't understand what you mean, Suzanne.[/QUOTE]

Like, 'this test has early-detected you have RA.  You need to start on ______ ASAP.'

Would they treat something you have no symptoms of?  Most first line agents now only treat symptoms, right?  NSAIDS?
Suzanne, that's a good question. I guess if you lived in a place with private medical insurance they could use the test to show you have a "pre-existing" condition, so insurers might find it incredibly useful.It sounds like the Anti-CCP test to me.  What's the difference? It's a new assay, so I'm guessing it's easier, or cheaper, or more instant.
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