Sinus infection side effect - which antibiotic | Arthritis Information


I'm currently in the middle of one of my long-lasting sinus infections and was curious when others develop them, which antibiotic are you prescribed?  I was started on Levaquin (levofloxacin), did a second course of it, and am now on Biaxin (clarithromyacin).  Last time my sinus infection lasted 3.5 months and I'm hoping to squelch this one earlier.Just got back from dr.'s for sinus infection.  I'm allergic to penicilin

so she put me on avelox.  Pricey little pills........
When I get a sinus infection we start out with Augmentin 875/125 2x/day for 14 days.  If that doesn't cut it, then we move up to Biaxin 500mg 2x/day for 14 days, and if that doesn't work, then Levaquin 750mg/day for 14-21 days.  I've only had to use Levaquin twice.  Nasty stuff - it made me quite dizzy and lethargic.  But OMG did it work great!

that's what I got this last time, Jas!... I'd never had it before.. but w/ the sjogrens and the (*could be TMI To some*) bleeding infection she went right for the jugular!!

InnerGlow... I hope it clears up quickly!

I used to get sinus infections monthly-great fun.  Now I see an ENT who does a culture if I have a long lasting one.  That way I get the right antibiotic.  Right now I am taking Augmenten 875mg for 3 weeks. 

I usually get Augmentin 875/125mg B.I.D for 10 days.   I've noticed that everyone here usually gets two to three weeks of antibiotic therapy for their sinusitis.  Maybe that's why mine recur so much because I usually only get 10 days. 


I usually get Augmentin 875/125mg B.I.D for 10 days.   I've noticed that everyone here usually gets two to three weeks of antibiotic therapy for their sinusitis.  Maybe that's why mine recur so much because I usually only get 10 days. 


Sinuses have poor blood perfusion, so it's hard to get the antibiotics in there.  Most common recommendations are for at least 2 weeks' therapy with antibiotics.  Have you been cultured? Perhaps you have a resistant strain, or maybe even a fungal or viral issue going on.
Jas, I know those questions were directed toward Bob, but I also tend to get only 7-10 days worth of antibiotics at a time, and I haven't been cultured.  It's so frustrating to have to try to educate your doctors on what they should do...Having had sinus problems for years and having tried all the nasal sprays (I've never had oral antibiotics for mine) I had an operation in May this year to have the infected sinus tissue removed.

The operation was a day case but as I was last in I had to stay overnight. I didnt bleed out on the table so didnt need a nasal pack (which according to the lady next to me was a blessed relief).

Its been fantastic. I cant believe the difference. I havent been completely sinus discomfort free since then but the difference in pain is phenominal and most importantly I can breath, and my eyes dont bulge and my jaw doesnt ache. I was told that the operation was just part of the procedure the rest would be daily doses of nasal spray. I took the stuff I'd been taking prior to the op and it was too strong so I came down the different types (which was a novely) and now am on a couple of puffs of hayfever nasal spray a day.

You'll have to excuse my ignorance of the USA medical insurance system but are you able to ask for a referral to get an operation? It has really made a huge difference to my life.

Hope you get some relief soon.
First, I would have to have a doctor that actually cared that I was sick in order to have a culture done.  I haven't met a single one in the last year that I honestly thought gives a damn how sick anyone is.   I went in tonight to the local ER and was told that I have an ear infection and given a Zpack.  5 days!  That's it....completely ignore the fact that I was given the same thing before christmas and after 4 days hadn't improved.  I saw an ENT on monday and he told me that there was no evidence of infection there.  Never mentioned a thing about any kind of surgery that could help with recurring infections or I would be all for it.
Innerglow. Have you tried the neti pot. I have a recipe to use with it if you happen to get one. Let me know.lorster2009-01-07 20:04:59I had chronic sinus infections for years. Finally, when I had a continuous infection for 18mos, my doc did a CT of my sinuses and found a mass and horribly infected tissue. He sent me to a surgeon who "roto rootered" out my head... removed the mass and the tissue and made all the passages wider. It was horrible to recover from but I've only had one infection in the last 3 years.
Well worth it!Oh yikes leila. That sounds terrible. Roto rootered.....made me shudder.Lorster, thanks for the offer, but I have had problems any time I use a spray or anything else in my nose (yes I know the neti pot isn't a spray).  My nose and eyes get irritated very easily, usually making them more congested. [QUOTE=InnerGlow]Lorster, thanks for the offer, but I have had problems any time I use a spray or anything else in my nose (yes I know the neti pot isn't a spray).  My nose and eyes get irritated very easily, usually making them more congested.[/QUOTE]

The saline solution used in a neti pot is not like store-bought sprays with various medications and preservatives in it.  It is isotonic saline, buffered with sodium bicarbonate, delivered at body temperature.  It feels wonderful.
Jas, thanks for sharing that with Innerglow. I have never used one but my doctor recommended it for me last time I was in as I was having some post nasal drip. Plus I have heard from many patients that say they start using them and never have another sinus infection. [QUOTE=lorster]Jas, thanks for sharing that with Innerglow. I have never used one but my doctor recommended it for me last time I was in as I was having some post nasal drip. Plus I have heard from many patients that say they start using them and never have another sinus infection.[/QUOTE]

I've only needed antibiotics once since I took up the neti pot.  Allergies and colds are less severe, and I don't seem to get sick as often as I did before.  I'm certainly not sniffle-free but OMG what a difference the neti pot has made!
