OT - eczema (?) - OW | Arthritis Information


I have problems with the skin on my fingers and hands from time to time, especially in the winter.  They get all dry and cracked, especially around the ends of the fingers, and especially when I've been doing lots of cleaning.  I really should learn to use gloves when cleaning, but I always think about it after I have been scrubbing the bathtub/toilet/floor/kitchen for a while.  I spent most of the day yesterday scrubbing the kitchen and trying to unclog a toilet (someone dropped something in it and it flushes very slow... and no one is fessing up).  By the time I went to my meetings last night, my fingers were raw.  I ended up slathering on some 0.5% hydrocortisone cream with a touch of bacitracin cram mixed in (since I was scrubbing some nasty stuff) and then putting bandaids on 8 of the 10 digits.  They've gotten somewhat better today but I'm still stuck on Band-aids. I'll be looking for ideas because I have the same problem. I hate winter.Hubby swears by Udderly Smooth.

If you can't find gloves for daytime, slip some cotton socks on tonight after you do the hydro. or lotion.  Hope you feel better tomorrow!
I've heard great things about "Bag Balm"  We had a secret santa game with my extended family and someone brought this Bag balm as a gift.  It was actually quite funny when the person who got this gift opened it because it's really to sooth cow udders.

I vote slime everything and everyone.
Oh... I know... put some on your hands and walk up to someone and pop them on the forehead and tell them they should have had a V-8! heheheheheheeeeee!
Joonie you never fail to make me giggle!Jas, put super glue on any cuts you have, then go to the body shoppe and buy some hemp cream. It comes in a silver tube, about a tube I think. It is fantastic. The best thing us nurses have ever used. Also works great on dry cracked feet. [QUOTE=lorster]Jas, put super glue on any cuts you have, then go to the body shoppe and buy some hemp cream. It comes in a silver tube, about a tube I think. It is fantastic. The best thing us nurses have ever used. Also works great on dry cracked feet.[/QUOTE]

Dunno if there's a Body Shoppe around here - I'll have to scout around.  I've used the superglue trick many a time.  The husband thought I was nuts until he saw the special about the folks overwintering at the south pole.  Superglue is the only thing that will work to treat their cuts.

The hemp cream has a money back guarantee. We don't have one in the state but I always pick it up when we travel. Good luck.I too have the issue.. now that I'm a germaphobe like wantto!!!
this stuff???:
babs102009-01-07 11:45:59Speaking of germophobes, what about soap?  Any recommendations?  The more I wash, the worse it gets... but I can't *not* wash my hands - EW. There's also "New Skin" for the cuts on your fingers.
I don't really have cuts- I just have ragged cuticles I guess. But if I start fooling with them which I feel compelled to do- I sometimes rip the skin off and boy is that sore! [QUOTE=kelstev]There's also "New Skin" for the cuts on your fingers. I have ragged and rough hands... not cut usually... but I also get these blister=like things that are itchy... then they pop.. then they are a scabby ugly dried out sore... (ugh.. sorry about the visual) and it's all dried up.......
*hands on sides of face* what is wrong w/ me!!!?? !???
[QUOTE=babs10]I have ragged and rough hands... not cut usually... but I also get these blister=like things that are itchy... then they pop.. then they are a scabby ugly dried out sore... (ugh.. sorry about the visual) and it's all dried up....... being a ex germiphobe, I believe it to be one reason I got to this place (RA). I no longer am one. I stay far away from antimicrobial soaps and products. Not much good about triclosan. I have to use it at work unfortunately. [QUOTE=lorster]being a ex germiphobe, I believe it to be one reason I got to this place (RA). I no longer am one. I stay far away from antimicrobial soaps and products. Not much good about triclosan. I have to use it at work unfortunately.[/QUOTE]

I don't use antimicrobials (I think they do more harm than good) but my hands get dirty throughout the day and we also have lots of shared workstations here in the office that get sneezed/coughed on, or touched after someone picks his nose/eye/whatever...ewwww we have a nose picker here too. He always wants to shake your hand, use your computer etc... I have a can of lysol and I am a famous hand washer. regular soap-  But Purell if I have to.[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]ewwww we have a nose picker here too. He always wants to shake your hand, use your computer etc... I have a can of lysol and I am a famous hand washer. regular soap-  But Purell if I have to.[/QUOTE]
i am wantto's ditto...
I use regular soap..and I use cream after washing... but I wash alot....
I think purell is alcohol. Which I don't think is as bad, but I may be wrong about that. I know friction with regular soap is as good as antimicrobial soap use. [QUOTE=lorster]I think purell is alcohol. Which I don't think is as bad, but I may be wrong about that. I know friction with regular soap is as good as antimicrobial soap use.[/QUOTE]

Yea but it hurts like hell and only seems to dry out my skin even more.

This too shall pass, I hope!I'm waiting for one of my detox patients to drink it, LOL We've had to remove alcohol from everything else.
[QUOTE=lorster]I'm waiting for one of my detox patients to drink it, LOL We've had to remove alcohol from everything else.

LOL not the Purell - plain old regular soap hurts.  The thought of Purell on my hands right now is unbearable!wax
well sounded like a good idea, just few seconds ago LOL!
I wonder what color the middle fingers should be... maybe red... as red gets most peoples attention?

Glad to hear your fingers are much improved! I hope they are better by this weekend.

If not you can always melt the crayons on your fingers Jas. do you get oilatum over there. My daughter used to suffer with eczema and psorasis as a baby and i used to bathe her in oilatum and rub it onto her dry patches too, it worked a treat...my hairdresser also uses it to rub into her hands at the end of the day.Jas.. this sounds so bad -- your fingers!!
You would LOVE the parafin baths.....  I had them at the PT's and it was devine... I had no rough spots after use... and it feels like a dream!!  I"m seriously thinking of getting one for home! 
I would dip 5X.. then wrap in saran wrap and sit under warm heat for about ten minutes..
Vick's for this, too?  Who knew?


Well, I am happy to report that after using liberal amounts of Aveeno lotion during the day, and aquaphor/vinyl gloves at night, my hands are in great shape.  I'm still getting a bit of cracking and rough skin on my fingers, but it's nothing compared to what it was.  I have also started using the gloves if I have to clean/scrub something.  It's hard to remember all the time, though - I've never worn gloves for cleaning before.  They're kind of annoying, but I must admit it's nice not having hands and fingers that look like jigsaw puzzles!
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