Ever go off meds on your own? | Arthritis Information


This could be the dumbest post you read all day, so consider yourself warned....

My doctor wants to put me on mtx. I'm on plaquenil and naproxyn and norco right now. My blood tests were negative, so in my head I'm thinking..maybe I don't really have RA. I have swelling and pain, and it is worse than when I first started the plaquenil. And I do remember the plaquenil helping me, but mtx seems like such a big step..

So has anyone ever gone off plaquenil just to see if you really needed it? How long did it take you to feel worse? How long did it take you to feel better once you went back on? I know this seems pretty lame, but I'm really stuggling with this dx.

LeilaI did.  It was the biggest mistake ever.  It took about 8 weeks for the "flare from hell" to hit.  I immediately started back on the Plaquenil, but I didn't get the same great response I had before.  So, I had to add Enbrel to the mix.

DON'T DO IT.  If you have swelling and pain, why would you want to drop a med?

I would have to agree with kweenb on this one.  The ONLY time I ever stop a med is when I have an infection and the med is not indicated for use then.  (sinusitis, etc.)

My rheumatologist knows that I've been around the block more than once with this and trusts my judgement on when to take my meds and when not to take them.  If there were one med I'd stop cold turkey though it would be prednisone.  I know, you cant do it which is what makes me want to flush the bottle of the stuff even more!! 


I was on plaq for 2 years, had some side effects but felt so good, I didn't believe i had RA so I went off it. About 4 months later, I was back to being stiff and sore with occasional joint aching. No swelling. I went back on it for 3 months and really didn't notice an improvement so I quit it entirely. I would not advise you to do this if you have pain and swelling or any other symptoms of RA. I have mild to moderate disease even though I am sero positive. Talk to your doctor about this prior to making this decision. Like kweenb said, it may not work as well for you if you have to go back on it and it really is the most benign of all the meds for RA. Oh, and welcome to the forum.I was doubting I had RA too when I found out I was sero-negative this whole time. I had to go off my MTX for 3 weeks due to an infection and now I'm a believer. I feel like crap.
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