Number 2 | Arthritis Information


If you're easily offended by the discussion of bowel movements, you may want to skip this thread.

I've noticed that I've been experiencing a lot of constipation since early Dec. I didn't know if it was directly related to the meds or if it's just part of RA or if maybe I have also added IBS - the constipated version. Anyways, on day 7 of stuff forming cement blocks in my gut and after 4 doses of a laxative stimulant with the end result only being horrendously painful cramps, Tim went to Walgreens for me and picked up two items. I just wanted to share the experiences in case anyone here gets to the point I unfortunately was.
1) Apothecary Magnesium Citrate Oral Solution (saline laxative, grape flavored)
2) Fleet Liquid Glycerine (suppositories, laxative)
Let me just preface this by saying, if you choose option #1 be prepared to spend 1 1/2+ days running to the bathroom for even a possible fart. This stuff cleared me out something fierce! The good news is that it WORKED and it worked WELL! I just wish it wouldn't have upset my stomach so bad. (That could have been the other lax with stimulant causing hell though. Who knows.)
The suppository worked wonderfully, too, and didn't take near as long to work. It softens the stool by drawing water into it so you can pass it easier. The next time I had to use it, it worked within 5 minutes and I felt soooo much better. I didn't have any nasty cramping with this one.
I just wanted to pass the info along in case any of you are feeling a little pent up in that area. I believe the two items suggested by the walgreens pharmacist were along the more natural methods of helping things move along. The laxatives with the stimulant are actually not good to use because if you use them too often, your body will get to the point where it becomes dependent upon the stimulant to have a bm.
Ok, well. Guess I'm done talking poop.
Hope you all have a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day!
Or you could just eat a crap load of kidney beans and poop something fierce. And fart something like you sat on something dead and it crawled up inside ya! LMAO!Mel
probiotics have been known to help bowel issues.
fleet suppositories are a must for every house hold!!!!   Probiotics, probiotics, probiotics.
Also, get of anything processed and eat all whole foods. Whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies, lots of water. If you are taking narcotics, this is especially important.Probiotics? Like Activia?
I've totally revamped our way of eating and increased the amounts of fresh veggies and fruits. Bought 7-grain bread (which is totally awesome!) and almonds. I'm going to start using Benefiber as well. Getting myself to drink lots of water religiously is going to be a tough one. I know staying hydrated is key, but I tend to go quite a while without drinking anything before I realize how parched I actually am! haha   We did get cranberry juice and gatorade as well.
Probiotics, fiber, fruits, vegetables all help keep things moving, but when the pipes are clogged sometimes you need to (as my gastroenterologist told me...) blow it out and start over again.  He also recommends magnesium (either milk of magnesia or mag citrate solution) to "clean the pipes" so that things can get back to normal.  I've had similar problems in the past - I've definitely felt your pain! I love cranberry juice. I also love the pomergrante/cranberry juice. I got a bottle of that in the fridge. YUMMY!!!What about Number 3, flautas? How you take care of that, and what causes one to do it more than 12 times a day? No really, I am not kidding.  we keep Ducolax in the house for constipation also Colace or some other softener.  mark actually got impacted  many years ago and couldnt go for days.  the Colace is wonderful.
True eat lots of good fiber, apples with the skin on, broccoli, whole wheat bread.
Joonie, if you and your family get on a whole diet, these episodes will lessen as the gut gets used to what is being put into it. If beans are only eaten once in a while, the gut is not used to it and expresses itself. Probiotics may be a good thing for you to be on daily. I do not have that problem, but my husband does though. Seems like everything and anything he eats gives him gas. Joonie- my husband too![QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]Joonie- my husband too![/QUOTE]
Is your hubbies so bad, that you want to drag him to the gasto Dr and tell the Dr "Look he is not coming home if he is still floating air biscuits, keep him until he is outta gas!"
My hubby can be that way, too!! I mean, it was so bad that once when I was pregnant I had to pull the car over and PUKE!! Ugh!! Nasty... nasty...  Changing your diet does work though (and forbidding the consumption of tijuana momma sausages!)
Miralax is wonderful for constipation. It is a tasteless powder you mix with water or juice. You can buy it over the counter, but it is pricey. I found out yesterday that there is a generic available through perscription which I paid for compared to the brand price of .99 (which is the largest size available) and the Rx was about double the amount... I also take probiotics and have fewer problems with constipation when I am diligent about it.   I do not have much constipation, unless the ole "monthly bill" comes in. Or if I take my pain meds and muscle relaxers like I am suppose to, which is everyday several times a day.
Anyone elses, hubby try to give them dutch-ovens.... or is it just mine that acts like a 12 year old when he passes stinky gas... and I am not talking about supreme unleaded, but stinky unleaded.
When hubby does that to me, farts on my knees while we are in bed, I tell him he loves me soo much that he has to mark his territory LOL!! Then he laughs and says yeah. I am the only person he farts on! It is just awful!
Joonie you are TOO funny!
You always know how to make the best of a bad situation!
