Oh yeah... I forgot... -- test results | Arthritis Information


Well, I had that MyOView stress test done a few weeks, or was a couple of weeks back?

Anyways... I got a letter in the mail last week from the cardiologist that said
"I am pleased to inform you that your recent stress test looked normal. Your heart appears to be contracting well and receiving adequate blood flow. At this point I do not believe that it is necessary that you undergo a heart catheterization."
Yeah... that does not really help with the question of why I have a rapid pulse.
I think they have no idea why I was even sent to them. Sad.
Oh and then the same day... I got a EOB in the mail. That last appointment they charged 9 for the office visit and I did not even get to see the cardiologist. BOOOOOOO!!!
joonie2009-01-07 22:09:32life's hard and then you die.  right?   glad to hear the heart is good!!!!    wonderwoman
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