Errors in Vitamin D Tests | Arthritis Information


Not sure if anyone has posted this yet...
I saw this in our paper this morning.  Based on our singular experience with Quest, not surprised.

From the article:
"Yet many experts say that even if the tests were accurate, there would still be uncertainty in how to treat patients. There is considerable debate about how much vitamin D is needed and whether vitamin D supplements even prevent various diseases."

It's like it's the new Lyme or something LOL.
Well, I can only speak based on experience - after I was diagnosed as having a serious Vitamin D deficiency (in spite of the fact that I had been taking supplements which contained D in them for years), I was prescribed a prescription strength D supplement (Calcitriol).  It has helped me tremendously.  Many of the vague aches and pains in my legs, and strange stabbing pains all over my body have disappeared.  It took awhile, it certainly wasn't overnight, but it is working.  I am waiting the results of my latest blood work for Vit. D right now, and I'm anxious to see where I am now!