Acaiberry formulas | Arthritis Information


First of all, how do you pronounce this?

Have any of you tried any of these products such as the one that Oprah is using? I'm thinking of ordering some to test it out, maybe a good detox and weight loss is all I need. I have been taking Acai ( 500mg. ) for a few months now

and it has been helping me so much with the inflamation
from Ra.
Before I could hardly walk because of the pain in both of my  knees and
ankles. Within one month I noticed a big improvement.
I still get the knee soreness once in a while ( only in the right knee
now ) but I can get out walking again .
I don't know about the other things that Oprah is taking.
I started the Acai after we had a spammer here and he sent me some of
the Mona Vie for free. ( that did nothing )
But I started researching what their claim to fame is (Acai ) and
they don't tell you how much is in the drink but it could not be much
because there are 17 other fruits in the drink.
So I found a pill form at 500mg and I love it.
And you pronounce it 'asaie'.
I'm going to bump this...
I think it's great that it is working for you!!
Ah-sigh-ee is how to pronounce it.  I'm not taking it, but I'm interested to see where the research too

maime, would you mind telling me which brand you are taking. i want to get a good one. i also considered buying it dried in bulk from the health food store and making tea and other stuff with it.I got it from Vitamin World and the bottle just has Acai
on it so I am assuming that it is their brand.
I know that there are some on line but I do know that
you can find a better price at on of your local health food
The recomended dose is 500mg a day but I take one in the
morning and one after dinner time ( 1000mg a day ).
It does take some time to work so give it at least a month.
After the first month I noticed improvements every week.
Good luck to you !!!
i want to try this too.  do you feel it helped you lose weight too?   i want it for both inflamation and weight loss.Wonderwoman , I do know that people use this for weight loss
and it has helped. I did not need to loose weight , I only wanted it
for the inflamation.
