Need to vent | Arthritis Information


I have just been to my regular family doctor to go over blood tests he ordered. It seems I have PA. I am now waiting to get in to see a specialist, which can take a while in Canada. I have had Psoriasis for decades. I started having pain in my hips about 10 years ago, I couldn't even lay on my side to sleep. I was told then that it probably wasn't arthritis. My psoriasis has steadily gotten worse even using the creams the doctor prescibed.

My shoulder, feet, ankles, toes and knees are now always painful. My little fingers on both hands are unable to straighten (when the fist finger crippled up, I was told the tendon had slipped from the bone and was sent to an orthopedic guy who confirmed it with no xrays). I told my doctor how bad I felt- I felt that I was getting close to dying. I kept telling him, but I felt by his reaction, that maybe I was turning into a hyperchondriac. Just so you know- this was over a period of years, I don't go to the doctor very much. I thought I was being a baby and I needed to soldier on. (Actually I thought "if this is what getting older is like, it is certainly not for wusses") I have no energy and pain, pain, pain. Now I find that I could have been being treated and I am trying not to be angry. It's just not productive.
I am glad I have found this forum, I will let you guys know how it goes with the specialist. I just needed to vent to people that know what it is like. I am originally from Houston, but I now live outside of Toronto and I just don't have any close friends to whine to.

Hang in there. it is a daily fight, but a lifelong war to live a "normal life" with PA. you have to make the choice to trudge on, but you also have to be open to making radical adjustments to your routine and lifestyle. I have a supportive family and they still just don't get how much discomfort I live with each day. they let me know early on I was complaining too much and a whimp. mainly out of frustration over not being able help me or really understand. I have lived with this for 10 years now. some days it sucks, some day I am active as hell. you can whine on here all you like. we get you.

hang in there and when my hands don't hurt, I will write my story of how long it took me to get help!
