Not many post?? | Arthritis Information


Why are there only a few post in the PsA threads?  Is PsA a rare condition? Hi No Psa is not a rare condition. It is under diagnosed. A lot of doctors are misinformed as to the severity of PsA and the need to aggressively attack the disease before it gets out of control . I have read posts where patients have been told to take asprin and as there is nothing else to do for it.  too sad for the many suffers out there.  A lot of people Post in RA as it is a busy site. 2trees2009-01-10 19:57:55Yes it is a confusing disease. I feel like i'm being overmedicated for PsA but who knows. My P is so mild it's basically non-exsitant. And my arthritis is what I would call fairly mild. I hurt for sure, especially in the feet. BUT, it's not like it's agonizing pain or anything. And i am perscribed 20 mgs pf MTX a week, 10 mg of Predisone a day, and 1,500 mg of NSAIDS a day. Seems like a bit much, but hey i'm no doc!

The dr may feel that your pa needs to be hit aggresivley. I am right now in a full blown flare of pa and the ps is getting worse on my body. It is on my legs arms hands torso, front and back, scalp, behind and in my ears,and even on my feet, even the back of my neck. Dr can not figure how what is causing the ps to flare up so bad I have never had it this bad. My pa is bothering the spine right now, my hands are not affected this time. The reason you don't see many of us here we are also at the ra forum board too there is more traffice there and the pa'rs come to both here and the ra board. Some of us pas, including me, have ra also. meme Hi Ranger, yes, this thread is not nearly as active as the other threads because there are only a few of us  DIAGNOSED with PsA.  I've been missing in action because we're in Mexico for 6 months and I'm also in clinical remission. 
We all feel that we're on too many drugs, especially when we start having less pain and stiffness, but we have to remember that it was the drugs that got us to that point.  You might want to talk to your doctor about tapering the Pred.  If you're not taking something to protect your stomach then talk to your doctor about prescribing.  With Pred. and NSAIDs it's a good idea to keep from getting a G.I. bleed related to ulcers. 
I don't have skin psoriasis, never have but I do have PsA and RA.  PsA was difficult to diagnose until I had a flare that sent me to bed for several months.  I couldn't walk due to inflammation and pain.  It took 3 months of high doses of Pred. to work.  The xrays of my fingers was consistent with a diagnosis of PsA.  If possible you don't want to have a flare from hell.  Lindy
LinB2009-01-31 14:13:34