New Sleep Research | Arthritis Information


Well, this obviously applies to us...but in unusual ways.  I was most interested in the sugar connection (Part 2) but the end of Part 1 mentions some intriging future research.

Haven't read it all.. Printing.
But the last page says Naps go toward quality sleep time!!  wooo hoo.. I love naps...
I was amazed at the personality changes.  I had that big time and didn't realize it was from lack of sleep.  Thought it was hormones.  LOL
I can nap all day, probably because I can not sleep a lot during the night. I have never been able to sleep a full night even when I was a kid. I'm going to email this to my teenage son who seems to think he can stay up all night and still do well in school-
Lately I find myself dozing off in my chair on & off from like 6:30 to 8 PM. Sometimes for just minutes yet I'm dreaming!
Then I get a second wind until 11 pm
