OT: Breast lump | Arthritis Information


Well, I'm going to a booby surgeon tomorrow morning that my gyno referred me to so she can check out the lump in my right breast. I'm kinda nervous, but not really worried about it as when I first discovered the lump it was larger and painful. It has gone done significantly, but it's still there. My gyno said it's most likely a cyst that can be drained or at worse, will have to be removed. Part of me is still scared of the possibilty of cancer though especially since my grandmother died from it. *sigh* Guess I'm just fishing for some pick me ups and personal it-came-out-fine stories from you ladies.

It's always scary finding a breast lump and then waiting for the results to come back!
My came out of it fine story is just that. Found a lump. Gyn said hmmm you can go have a needle aspiration or just wait and see if it gets bigger. What would you do I asked her. She would not answer. Called the surgeon who removed my gall bladder who happend to now be in oncology. He examined me and was pissed off that the first dr. had not reassured me. He said it didn't feel like anything cancerous (I was only 29) but that he could see I was so terrified he would do the aspiration to give me piece of mind. So he did and everything was just fine.

I hope the same for you Mel! Best of luck! Let us know how you make out!
Ok, you have to rethink your savings plan.
I'm just recovering from breast surgery (Dec 23rd). I ended up with a 3 inch incision but it is almost healed. The lump was a a fibrotic mass which had entangled itself in a bundle of nerves. So hopefully, it is a cyst or something like that. Most lumps are benign. Good luck. If it was painful and now is shrinking it is probably hormonally related and not a problem. They have easy biopsy methods now, needle and the "punch" one. The punch one they look at it via ultra sound and then put a sorta hole punch machine and it punches out a bit of the lump. they can tell by the ultra sound if it hit the right place. I've had one needle, 4 hole punch ones and 2 surgical.

Its still a bitch to wait even when they tell you it is probably benign. if they think it isn't benign, they tell you before the biopsy to "prepare" you. The 2nd surgical they thought it looked stage 5 (lumps are rated via suspicions in stages), or highly likely to be cancer. They said that after the punch biopsy didn't get proper tissue (because of scar tissue from first surgical) and schedule the surgical one.

So you can believe them when they say pretty sure benign, you will get a warning if they think not. Of course, its all guessing as again, mine was normal. The second surgery she even fixed the uneveness of the first surgery.

Good luck, try not to punch out your friends who tell you to "relax" about it.       [QUOTE=CO_Mel]Well, I'm going to a booby surgeon tomorrow morning that my gyno referred me to so she can check out the lump in my right breast. I'm kinda nervous, but not really worried about it as when I first discovered the lump it was larger and painful. It has gone done significantly, but it's still there. My gyno said it's most likely a cyst that can be drained or at worse, will have to be removed. Part of me is still scared of the possibilty of cancer though especially since my grandmother died from it. *sigh* Guess I'm just fishing for some pick me ups and personal it-came-out-fine stories from you ladies. Hello Mel. I had a breast lump that hurt .I had a mammogram followed by a scan. The results of those tests were normal. To be on the safe side I had a biopsy. the lump turned out to be benign. It does sound as if the lump could be hormonal. Glad you are getting it checked out though. Good luck to you.Hi Mel, same as Shirl for me, had it removed, thank God it was just a benign cyst.  Best of luck tomorrow, hugs and prayers from Janie. Good Luck Mel!
Please keep us posted.
Much hugs to you!
I have a bad story that turned out okay.
When I was 39, I went for my mammo.... I had to go since my Gram had had breast cancer.... so, I had the squishing done and waited for the results...... Got busy w/ life and realized a few months later, that I had never gotten a call about it one way or another.... So, I called my GYN and they said that I had a small (pea sized) lump in my right breast.
I said... what now?  They said that I needed to have an ultrasound ... and that at this point (almost 4 months later!@!)#%!!!  it would be determined if it was growing since I had allowed time in between (*I* Had allowed time?  nope .. not me) Had another Ultrasound at a new facility (since the others never notified me of the issue, I could not go back there)
It ended up from the new pictures and the ultrasound that there was nothing to worry about..it had not changed in size at all..... and here, 12 years later.. it is still the same size..... so, it ended up being nothing....... and is still nothing....  My doctor is a radiology specialist in Breast Diagnostics.. that is all she does..... She takes my mammo.. compares to last years'  if you need an ultrasound.. it is done that day... and if you need aspiration.... she does that too.....  I never leave there w/ any worries..  
I'm sure you're going to leave  your place feeling okay too..... reassurance goes a long way.
Good for you for getting it taken care of. Its probably nothing or a minor cyst, but good for you anyway..
I don't have much experience with this...just one lump..the size of a pea...but turned out to be nothing. 
Good luck!Good Luck Mel...please let us know how you are doing...Hiking_galGood to find out what it is.  Good luckOk, I need to ask. Are everyones mammogram centers like the one I go to. You go in, there is a big rock wall with water running down it. Fresh flowers everywhere. Soft music playing in the top dollar sound system. Then you go back, they help you into a very nice white robe and provide warm wash clothes for you to clean your pits of any deodorant.   You sit with the other women and sip on hot tea and eat cookies. You go in, do the squish, the radiologist comes in and speaks with you(which is so nice). You go out and are provided with cans of deodorant to replace what you washed off.    I'm serious by the way. Then, I got the bill. It came to almost 700 dollars!Lorster, yours sounds more like a day spa!! LOL
Thank you, everyone, for the well wishes!! The doc checked everything out and did a sonogram. Turns out I just have thicker tissue on that side. She said it may be a side effect of me not having periods? The mirena stopped the monthly bills, so she's referring me back to my gyno. I'm so relieved that it's nothing to worry about. What a weight lifted!!
On a separate note, I also asked her about the pains I've been having and she said was I was describing is definitely my gall bladder. I go next week to have a sono of that to see if there are stones. If there are, then the gall bladder will most likely be removed laproscopacly (I know I spelled that all kinds of wrong! Too lazy to google. Haha!) She said it's better to remove it right away rather than wait because if you wait it can cause all kinds of other issues and you'd end up being cut open big time. So that's that.
Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! Lorster, I get the reminder to go in, I make an appointment, walk the 6 blocks, inside is institutional hospital, vinyl seating in the waiting room, with a variety of magazines. I usually have to wait about 5 minutes then I'm led into a small changing booth where I put on an old but clean cotton hospital gown. There's a bowl of "Mammo-wipes" (seriously) if I need to wash off anything, and more magazines. Wait another 5 then go in the room where the VERY NICE technician (I get the same one every year) very gently does the squeeze machine. Go back out and change, wait another 5. Tech comes and tells you how the x-ray looks, then the report gets sent to my doctor. No cookies, no waterfall, no luxury robe. Bill? .Hey gimpy...that would make a great visa commercial. USA 700 dollars, Canada Priceless LOL

Mel- glad for your good news! Sorry for the gall bladder troubles but a lot of people say having it removed laproscopicaly (can't spell it either) is a breeze and such a relief from symptoms.

That is GREAT, Mel! I hope everything else gets easily taken care of.
One question... is Mirena suppose to make the ole "monthly bills" go away, or is that just something that happens to some not all?
Please keep us posted on the gall bladder testing.

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