Newbie with RF Questions | Arthritis Information


Good evening all...

I just stumbled upon this board while trying to do some research on RA today. I have pored through it for hours on end, and while I am sure my questions have been asked and answered a million times, I just couldn't find them...So please bear with me for asking things you guys have probably discussed at length.
I began having mild joint pain about 6 months ago, and it has progressed rapidly. My shoulder joints, ankles, hips and knees are the most affected.
My GP kept suggesting Fibromyalgia because my bloodwork came back "okay." By that he meant, negative ANA and Rheumatoid Factor. But, this is bone pain, not muscular. I can feel it my bones literally.
Next stop, Rheumatologist. She was so rude I left and cried all day. She did diagnose me with RA based on my symptoms, but also suggested I get tested for Hep C because I have a small ankle tattoo and "tattoos are so dirty"....Eh. Let me switch gears - I get fired up going over that visit in my mind. Anyway, diagnosed RA, prescribed Prednisone and said come back in 8 months. Shouldn't there be a treatment plan for this??? I see a new Rhuematologist this week...
On to my research and my questions, (finally, huh?)
1) How common is it to have RA and perfectly normal bloodwork?
2) I have read that joint pain is usually symmetrical, but while my pain occurs in both joints, it is markedly worse on one side.
3) I do not have swelling or redness of any joints other than toes, only pain. Severe at times....
I have many RA symptoms, and have responded somewhat to the Prednisone, but my question is, is it possible to have RA given the 3 points listed above?
Thanks in advance for any input, and again, my apologies for my Newbie inexperience showing....If these issues have been discussed at length, perhaps there is a way to post a link for me to the previous discussions?
Thank you!
My bloodwork has always been normal, even when the joints in my hands and feet were so inflamed I could barely walk or hold a can of Coke, and couldn't wear my wedding ring or my normal shoes.

My hands and feet have always been the primary focus of my RA.
Yes on your questions and you could be Palindromic (altho with one side being worse than the other, probably regular RA). 
I'm glad you dumped the rheumy and are looking for another.  Come back in 8 months - you gotta be kidding me!!!
My RA manifests way more on my right side. I also get pain with no apparent swelling.

I think prescribing prednisone and come back in 8 months is totally irresponsible. I'm glad you're seeing a new rheumy.20-30% of people with RA have seronegative blood work.

It's not unusual at all to hurt more on one side than the other.

In my case, the swelling and redness came later - well after the pain.

Glad you changed rheumys. Don't think giving you a long course of pred was the right thing. Just popping in to say that I agree w/ everything above...and I am exactly the same way... sero-negative ...... more discomfort on my dominant side... had pain w/out swelling early on..
wishing the best at your new RD visit... the other was a boob.
Oh, the infamous, great first whacko rheumatologist visit - at least you have gotten that one past you.  Best of luck, and its my observation that everyone's RA is their own personal journey, but its a tough journey, so welcome aboard.  This board can be a lifeline when all else fails, especially when the medical community fails you.  Take care ~~ Cathyi was diagnosed 4 years ago with sero negative ra. Pain in my hands wrists elbows and shoulders.Its worse on my right side. Glad you walked out on that rheumy ,doctors like that are part of the problem. Im really glad you found this board it will help keep your sanity. Thank you all so much for your replies. I kept reading up on RA, and most of the literature out there reiterates the symmetrical pain, the bloodwork, etc..just had me so confused.
I see my new Rheumatologist tomorrow and have heard nothing but rave reviews on him, so hopefully it will go well.
In the 6 short months I have been dealing with this, I already see that a support system such as this has to be invaulable. Employers, spouses and friends get to a point where they just don't understand sometimes, you know?
Nice to meet you all and thanks again.
good luck at your appointment.. let us know how you make out!

Welcome! I agree with the others, I am sero negative and my pain is worse on my left side which is not dominant. Story of RA everyone is the same yet different.

This is a good place for support because those around you do have a tendency not to understand. We do a pretty good job here.

Good luck with your new Rheumy!  Let us know how you make out.  By the way, I too am sero negative.  There are a few of us out there.  Hiking_galI was just diagnosed the end of june, sero-negative, with stiffness and pain but not much swelling. The swelling and redness have come on more recently. I was/maybe still am in denial because I didn't feel that my symptoms were an exact fit either.
Let us know how your visit goes.
btw...I have several of those "dirty" tattoos
