FDA Scientists allege FDA mismanagement | Arthritis Information


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Nine scientists at the Food and Drug Administration have written a letter to President-elect Barack Obama and his transition team, alleging gross mismanagement at the agency that has "placed the American public at risk."

http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/09/fda.scientists/index.htmlWell Gimpy, its about time for some change.  What a disaster this Administration has been.  I cannot wait for January 20th to come, and am so pleased PE Obama has put health care reform back up on the table after it was shelved 15 years ago because we didn't "like" Nominee Secretary of State Clinton.  Politics, it can kill you.  Yes, JSNM, thank you for acknowledging this post. By thanking you for the notice, I can now send it back to the top!

I mean, you're welcome
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