ANA over 5000 | Arthritis Information


Yikes. Rheumy called last night to tell me my bloodwork from last month was all normal and I reminded him that he was waiting on the results of another test and he put me on hold and came back with an "uh oh". He is going to order a full Lupus panel, I think he said, but he also made the comment "well, at least you can't think it's all in your head". I've sort of been in denial - #1 because bloodwork is always normal, #2 non of the meds seems to make a difference.

I have huge swollen joints that always seem to be normal at my appointments which gets frustrating. My other symptoms are very painful muscles and joints, fatigue, constant low grade fever, weightloss of 70+ lbs. last year.  I have been accused by various Drs of being bullemic (sp) anorexic, etc. My new doc shares the office with her son who is my chiropractor and I have to weigh in 3x/wk.  I gained 3 lbs at Christmas, but now back to original weight of 115. I really don't think I'm that underweight since I am so short...
Glad things are being looked at, owie..
but an ANA of 5000?  that's not usually how the results are quoted.......
The first time I was tested a couple of years ago, it was 1:320 but has been normal since. I knew he meant 1: (over 5000).ooh.. 1:5120 ........ that is quite high.
is he running anything else besides Lupus panel?
good luck to matter what it is at this point, you need relief!!
Hang in there - hopefully answers are on their way for you. You have really been through it.Finally, a breakthrough.  I will never understand why they don't believe women.  Haven't heard from you in awhile! Hope all in all you are doing well. Keep us posted about your results. Don't be such a stranger-we miss you!so can someone explain to me...i know that it is a dilution of the antibody so does this high number mean the severity of the Lupus? My daughter has a 1:320 with a speckled pattern. And what tests are in a Lupus panel?