Want to lower CRP? | Arthritis Information


It was found that probiotics have an anti-inflammatory potential. They caused a decrease in serum CRP levels, and a reduction in the bacteria-induced production of proinflammatory cytokines.

This mentions specific strains, but I wonder if they were the only ones they looked at?

I just try to go for as big a variety of strains as possible, from a wide range of sources, but it's good to know that some if not all of the strains are anti-inflammatory. Thanks, Pip!I'm the more strains the better camp too.  I just found it interesting that they finally figured out how it works.  Can't argue with a lower CRP, can you?
For people wanting to know about various strains, pick one you're interested in and search Pubmed.  All the research on that particular strain will show up.
Sachromyces Bouglaardi (spelling) does some of it's most potent work for RA.
Where can I find the strain that you mention, Pip?  I  just started taking probiotics and must admit that I was completely baffled about which one to buy.    I noticed a significant upgrade in my colon health when I started on probiotics after beginning AP minocin for my DMARDS.  Good find Pip.  Like Nancy, I would like to know if anyone knows a product containing this strain.  Thanks in advance ~~ CathyMy last blood teast showed my CRP to be elevated so This is something I will try...THanks PIPI saw on some Lyme board that acidolpholous was supposed to be good for Lyme.

Excuse me for being ignorant, I know what probiotics are but where do you buy them, health food store?, are they pills or are the yogurt?

They're supposed to be in yogurt but when they pasturize it they kill off the good stuff then add in a single strain and a bunch of sugar and sort of destroy the whole concept.
I use Solaray Multidophilus 12 available at Whole Foods.  It just works really well for me.  Whole Foods pushes the Jarrow with FOS.  That didn't do anything for me.  You can't miss it not doing anything...um...bowel wise.  It's expensive, but worth it.  It's in the refrigerated section.  Almost all the 'good stuff' is refrigerated. 
It doesn't have to be Solaray - just the most 'live encapsulation' and the most different strains in one cap.  The Solaray Multidophilus 12 has 12 strains and 20 billion CFU. 
If you want what's in the article - just write it down and look at the label; they list what's in there.  Then go home, Google PubMed, and search all the studies with that strain.  Mind blowing.   Then go back and PICK SOME UP.  LOL
My AP doc also has me on saccharomyces Boulardii (correct spelling).  I've seen that on other RA studies.  It's from Metagenics.
You know it IS POSSIBLE to purchase yoghurt that is only milk and bacterial culture, rather than that super processed stuff. There are many other probiotic foods such as kefir (the best source of probiotics, IMO), kombucha, unpasteurised sauerkraut and salt pickles, unpasteurised miso and yadda yadda yadda.

All OTC supplements label what strains are inside.

For Saccharomyces boulardii lyo, I use Florastor. It's expensive but man-o-man it works. Usually you have to ask for it at the pharmacist's counter.

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