OMG FIRE.... | Arthritis Information


Well, it was exciting in my kitchen for about 3 minutes. I have or had a toaster oven I made me a little lunch pizza, I use a pita bread, sauce and mozzarella cheese and pop in toaster oven, well I have known the oven has been not right so we usually unplugged it when not in use, well apparently it stayed on and while I was eating my pizza I started smelling smoke, I looked in kitchen and flames were inside the toaster oven, here is the part that makes me feel stupid, I opened the glass door and flames shot out bigger. Stupid huh. The oven is sitting on outside on the back patio, and the smoke alarm finally stopped.

Pizza is cold!
A day in the life of Tink!
Snow that would of freaked me out.  I wonder why it exploded? Maybe an electric surge?
I try to always unplug things, I lost family members in a fire a very long time ago, I was young but It made an impression on me, It started because of a faulty outlet, so now I worry with things plugged in.  Drives my DH nuts at times.
WOW! Glad you are ok. I would have freaked and called my in-laws! LOL!