Arthritis Information -OT - Cold weather care of pets


On very cold days I leave a heating pad wrapped in a towel, set on low for my (spoiled rotten) kitty, on the sofa where he likes to nap during the day, he leaves it only to stretch, use his litter pan hastily (that area is one of the coldest in the house, poor little guy), and eat.  Also, I figure animals need a little more food in bitter cold weather, they burn the extra calories to stay warm, so my (spoiled rotten) kitty gets some extra protein as well.    I also set a feeder station filled with cheap dry chow inside a big doghouse out on the deck, the outdoor animals hit it at night (not mine, the spoiled rotten indoor kitty, just the neighborhood cats about town, occasionally a possum). SnowOwl2009-01-15 13:15:09We have a shih-zu and he definitely isn't an outside dog. It's necessary to keep his little paws warm when he needs to go outside and take care of his business.

Instead of purchasing little booties for him I use the little socks my granddaughter has outgrown. The first few times I fastened them on with rubber bands. No problem now because he realized they keep his little paws warm.  Anyone have any other cold weather tips for their pets?
