Do anti-inflammatory meds helps fibro? | Arthritis Information



 I have been having a lot of pain and found some of my leftover Bextra that I had been taking for my OA(before they took it off the market) and seem to have so much less pain for the past three days. Does anyone know if these kinds of meds help fibro? Its hard to know if I have OA pain or the fibro pain? I recently stooped my Cymbalta,was not helping and just have my pain meds. I also have all kinds of sleep stuff, but again, nothing seems to be helping with the insomnia and I finally tried Ambein, so expensive, we don't have insurance, but I figured it was worth it, if it helped me sleep. All is really did was cause me more pain. I  guess I should call me doctor, but I know they will want me to make an appointment and I just saw her last month.Since we don't have insurance I try to keep my appointment to every three or four months.Anybody take anti-inflammatory med??? Thanks for your help.


