Rituxin and CCP levels | Arthritis Information


This is interesting.  Do people on Rituxin maintain their CCP levels?  Hmmmm.  Possibly this answers my continual question, what happens when we suppress if there is an underlying infection?  Buckeye?

if they maintained their CCP levels... that would not place them in remission, would it?Pip
i don't know if people with rituxan maintain their ccp levels.  I don't know if thats been looked at yet.  I know that is one test I have never had. 
I do know that a study with rituxan only lasting 8 weeks is probably not long enough as it can take up to 12 for it to fully kick in
Yeah, saw this on a diebetic study involved with American Ginseng yesterday - they ran the test for 2 week - saw a drop in levels - then said - 'it doesn't work'.  Pissed me off.  Sent it to hubby with a 'can you spot what's wrong here' question.  LOL
I just wondered what happened - this insinuates that the CCP is basically uneffected.  So, in counting ACR20, ACR50 and ACR70 - are they just counting how the patient feels?
the ACR numbers are based on joint counts; sed rates, crp  Until they truly figure out the clinical signifigence of the impact treatment has on the ccp it won't be added to that criterea. 
Keep in mind the use of the anti ccp test has only been in the last 4 years or so.  Its still being studied
Sorry, my bad.  Still trying to avoid typing.
When they run studies they try to be objective on improvement.  Supposedly, you're labs return to 'normal' and you're classified as in remission.  But if the CCP levels don't drop, or are increasing in the joint, but you killed off a bunch of B cells - you could feel better, your joint counts would drop, but would you be counted as remission?
Make sense now?
answer is stll the same....there isn't enough information yet on the clinical impact of treatment on the ccp.  They know that app 90% of people with the ccp elevation go on to develop RA but does this number uniformly drop with treatment there are no answers yet. Will it be used one day...maybe
If you've been diagnosed in the last 3 or so years you've probably had the tests done.  If you have had been diagnosed prior to that you probably havent had the test 

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