New Thinking on How to Protect the Heart | Arthritis Information


This links right in to the other article I posted about RA and CVD.
It's a very interesting and informative article by Jane Brody of the New York Times.  This is from the article:

The well-established risk factors for heart disease remain intact: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, abdominal obesity and sedentary living. But behind them a relatively new factor has emerged that may be even more important as a cause of heart attacks than, say, high blood levels of artery-damaging cholesterol.

That factor is C-reactive protein, or CRP, a blood-borne marker of inflammation that, along with coagulation factors, is now increasingly recognized as the driving force behind clots that block blood flow to the heart. Yet patients are rarely tested for CRP, even if they already have heart problems.

Even in people with normal cholesterol, if CRP is elevated, the risk of heart attack is too, said Dr. Michael Ozner, medical director of the Cardiovascular Prevention Institute of South Florida. He thinks that when people have their cholesterol checked, they should also be tested for high-sensitivity CRP.
Lynn, I saw a similar article on CRP.  I guess those of us with RA get tested for this fairly often, as my doc uses it as one of the markers of how active the disease is.  What is the answer?  Statins?  I mean if we are doing all the right things otherwise, do we add another drug?  I also wonder about the coagulation factors.  The drugs most of us are on thin the blood don't they?