OT Book: Knock Knock Jokes for Kids | Arthritis Information


I just saw an ad for THe World's Greatest Knock Knock Jokes for Kids by Bob Phillips.\

Knock-Knock.  WHo's there?  Dishes.  DIshes who?  Dishes me, open the door!!
They're all originals from jokester Bob Phillips.  www.starcrest.com

Anyone got kids?

 I try REAL hard to not get them started with the KK jokes.. otherwise I spend all day saying  -- who? to kids who havent got a clue how a kk joke works..
that said...

How do you make instant elephant?

Open the package, add water, and run!

What weighs 5,000 lbs and wears glass slippers?


What game do elephants like to play most?

Why do elephants paint their toenails red?
So they can hide in a strawberry patch.
Why do elephants hide in strawberry patches?
So they can jump out and stomp on people.
Why do elephants stomp on people?
That is how they play squash.

What's the difference between eating an elephant or peanut butter?Elephant doesn't stick to the roof of your mouth.

I'll stop now..
kathy_in_wlsv2009-01-18 09:52:53



Very cute
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