OT Chit Chat 1/16 | Arthritis Information


What's everyone up to?
Not much here. For some reason I feel very irritable-I hate that.
It's frigid cold and I hate cold.
I have to take my son to work at 8 AM tomorrow and then I think I will lay around and maybe have a pity party for no good reason. I really have no good reason to feel like this but I think I'll indulge it for a day or....

Does anyone have suggestions for getting out of a funk?

sit on it.. let it boil and fester...maybe tomorrow you can >POP< this foul mood and have a good day 

I had a great day... spend my time off w/ my little grandson today  -- hearing him giggling and spending time w/ him.... I loved it.......I hope  the good times continues  through the weekend.....
Enjoy the rest of your weekend after taking your son to work at 8 frigid A>M
This is so weird. I just posted my little funk report on a diffrent thread. I am thinking a glass of Reisling may be in order.
Let me know if you come up with any ideas. For now I will funk with you. lol
Hey, a pity party!
I love a party. What is the dress?
cozy pj pants and a thermal hsirt with the old bath robe be okay to wear to the party?
and my FUR lined Crocs! Oh the look! What Style!

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